Welcome back to the Speak As Well As You Think Podcast!
To kick off the year, we're discussing feedback. We want everyone to have an effective process in place if they're asked to provide feedback.
A few things we'll discuss are:
- How might the person want feedback? Have you asked them? Do they prefer an "Oreo cookie sandwich", tough love, positives and negatives together?
- What framework will you use to organize your thoughts? We don't recommend winging much communication, but especially not when it comes to providing feedback. Organize your thoughts ahead of time clearly and succinctly.
- How can we decide on a path forward, together? What does the close to our conversation look like and is it collaborative?
Keep in mind, feedback isn't just for when things go south! Offer positive, specific feedback just as often. You'll likely have better outcomes when feedback is critical because you've created a baseline of trust and support.