Programming By Stealth

著者: Bart Busschots & Allison Sheridan
  • サマリー

  • A collaborative project between Bart Busschots and Allison Sheridan to sneak up on real programming in small easy steps, using the allure of the web as the carrot to entice people forward.
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A collaborative project between Bart Busschots and Allison Sheridan to sneak up on real programming in small easy steps, using the allure of the web as the carrot to entice people forward.
  • PBS 177 of X — Publishing A Basic Jekyll Site (GitHub Pages)

    In our miniseries on GitHub Pages, we learn how to create a basic Jekyll site. To do this, we must install a modern version of Ruby, install its Gem Bundler, create a little placeholder site, and then serve Jekyll to view our site locally. We push it to GitHub where the GitHub Actions we learned about last time do their magic and create a real website all for free. But we didn't stop there. One of our goals is to create our own theme, and to build on what we get with Bootstrap. We actually download the source, not compiled version of Bootstrap and pick and choose the files we want to use. While learning about the standard conventions for directory structure in Jekyll sites, we'll also learn about Sass — Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets — and how Jekyll will turn them into standard CSS.

    It's a bit of a heavy lift in terms of a lot of moving pieces, but no one bit of this was hard to learn. It was great fun, and this is just the beginning of what we're going to learn about using Jekyll as a fully-functional content management system.

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    1 時間 21 分
  • PBS 176 of X — Deploying a JavaScript Web App with Webpack & GitHub Actions

    Way back in September of 2022, Bart finished off the Webpack miniseries by leaving it as an exercise for the student to deploy their web apps to GitHub Pages. Bart closes that circle in this installment while teaching us how to use GitHub Actions. We learn about workflows, jobs, steps, events, and runners. Bart includes great tables in the shownotes of the terminology, so we now have a handy reference guide for making our own YAML files to run GitHub actions.

    You can find Bart's fabulous tutorial shownotes at

    Read an unedited, auto-generated transcript with chapter marks: PBS_2025_02_15

    Join our Slack at and check out the Programming By Stealth channel under #pbs.

    Support Bart by going to and pushing one of the big blue support buttons.

    Referral Links:
    • Parallels Toolbox - 3 months free for you and me
    • Learn through MacSparky Field Guides - 15% off for you and me
    • Backblaze - One free month for me and you
    • Eufy - $40 for me if you spend $200. Sadly nothing in it for you.
    • PIA VPN - One month added to Paid Accounts for both of us
    • CleanShot X - Earns me $25%, sorry nothing in it for you but my gratitude
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    1 時間 13 分
  • PBS 175 of X — GitHub Pages: Static Site Generators

    In Programming By Stealth this week, Bart has started a new miniseries to teach us how to use GitHub Pages to create a website (for free.) In PBS 175, he starts by explaining what Static Site Generators (like GitHub Pages) are, and the pros and cons vs. a more traditional content management system like WordPress. Neither are wrong, they just solve the same problem in different ways. He then gives us the framework for the tools we'll be using and lays out the next few lessons where we'll get in and get our hands dirty. I'm extremely excited about this miniseries and I hope you will be too.

    You can find Bart's fabulous tutorial shownotes at

    Read an unedited, auto-generated transcript with chapter marks: PBS_2025_02_01

    Join our Slack at and look for the #pbs channel, and check out our pbs-student GitHub Organization. It's by invitation only but all you have to do is ask Allison!

    Join the Conversation:
    Support the Show:
    • Patreon Donation
    • Apple Pay or Credit Card one-time donation
    • PayPal one-time donation
    • Podfeet Podcasts Mugs at Zazzle
    • Podfeet 15-Year Anniversary Shirts
    Referral Links:
    • Parallels Toolbox - 3 months free for you and me
    • Learn through MacSparky Field Guides - 15% off for you and me
    • Backblaze - One free month for me and you
    • Eufy - $40 for me if you spend $200. Sadly nothing in it for you.
    • PIA VPN - One month added to Paid Accounts for both of us
    • CleanShot X - Earns me $25%, sorry nothing in it for you but my gratitude
    続きを読む 一部表示
    1 時間 23 分

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