• Primo Box Club w/ Daniel Amon

  • 著者: Daniel Amon
  • ポッドキャスト

Primo Box Club w/ Daniel Amon

著者: Daniel Amon
  • サマリー

  • Twice a week, industry music producer Daniel Amon talks about current events, music and comedy inside his LA studio. Twice a month, he is joined by exciting and unlikely guests from the music industry and comedy world.
    Copyright Primo Box Club
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Twice a week, industry music producer Daniel Amon talks about current events, music and comedy inside his LA studio. Twice a month, he is joined by exciting and unlikely guests from the music industry and comedy world.
Copyright Primo Box Club
  • #09 - Life Makes No Sense
    After a half-a-fortnite spell away from his treasured and dearly beloved podcast audience, Amon returns like a plague of locusts. On today's episode, we discuss how good of an Oscars host Conan was, how underrated Craig Ferguson was, and even talk a little absurdist philosophy.

    follow amon on IG: @amoninsta

    follow the show on IG: @primoboxclubpod
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    45 分
  • #08 - Crying Blood
    On today's podcast, amon talks way too long about animals with weird defense mechanisisms.
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    57 分
  • #07 - Floyd Mayweather vs. The Dictionary
    On this episode of Primo Box Club, I fearlessly tackle the big questions: How did Floyd Mayweather lose a 10-7 round to the English language? Why do death row inmates eat better than me? Will the war in Ukraine ever end? And should we really be letting the government play God with the death penalty?

    All of that and even more bullshit, on today's Primo Box Club.

    📲 Follow us on IG or Floyd will personally read you a bedtime story (in hieroglyphics): @primoboxclub
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    56 分

Primo Box Club w/ Daniel Amonに寄せられたリスナーの声
