
  • #62. VILLAGE PEOPLE PART I: "Must Dance and Have a Mustache"

    We begin a three part series on the Village People, who for legal reasons we must tell you are absolutely not gay at all...

    Instagram: polishing.podcast
    Twitter/X: @polishing_turds
    email: polishingturdspodcast@gmail.com

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    1 時間 26 分
  • MINISODE: Catching Up Vol. II

    Awww yeah! We're back with another low-effort minisode where we catch up on all the recent goings-on from artists we profiled in the past. Come hear about all the wacky exploits from your favorite Polishing Turds alumni. We've got Cruises with Creed, AI experiments with the Black Eyed Peas, juicy drama from the Cyrus family, and so much more!

    What better way to start off this horrible, horrible year?

    Instagram: polishing.podcast
    Twitter/X: @polishing_turds
    email: polishingturdspodcast@gmail.com

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    1 時間 29 分
  • #61. HOLIDAY SPECIAL 2024: How the Brits Ruined Christmas

    You thought American Christmas music was dumb? Wait till you hear what the folks across the pond are up to...

    This year's Holiday Special examines the annual tradition of the UK Christmas Number One. Each year the British public gets hyped up over which song is going to top the charts on Christmas week. Sounds innocent enough, and yet for whatever reason half the songs they pick make no goddamn sense at all. From schoolgirl choirs to TV characters to insufferable YouTube stars, the British people have proven themselves just as capable of desecrating this holiday as anyone else.

    Bloody hell, how'd this country colonize half the world?

    YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-PyWfVkjZc&list=PL6QhZ78uzXMoaIUDPTT4b_au_2FRE_3_9

    Instagram: polishing.podcast
    Twitter/X: @polishing_turds
    email: polishingturdspodcast@gmail.com

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    1 時間 16 分
  • #60. ICED EARTH Part III: Stormriding the Capitol

    We conclude our interminable Iced Earth series with the dramatic assault of the U.S. Capitol building on January 6, 2021. This riot was facilitated in part by a wacky militia called the Oath Keepers, a group whose membership happened to include Jon Schaffer.

    As usual we go deep; covering the history of the Oath Keepers as well as the far-right Patriot movement from which they emerged. We also discuss what happened to Jon Schaffer after his arrest, the fairness of his sentencing and whether or not we can truly heal as a nation.

    YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uR-dGy_i-IU&list=PL6QhZ78uzXMq-wXFb1Z_klz2a7ss3cXwU

    Instagram: polishing.podcast
    Twitter/X: @polishing_turds
    email: polishingturdspodcast@gmail.com

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    1 時間 43 分
  • #59. ICED EARTH Part II: The Awakening

    How did Iced Earth guitarist Jon Schaffer become a deranged conspiracy theorist? What led him down that toxic rabbit hole, and what exactly are the beliefs that led him to storm the Capitol on January 6?

    It turns out most of Jon's anger and paranoia was centered around the Federal Reserve system, which conspiracy cranks believe is responsible for a sinister plot to impose a New World Order on the unsuspecting sheeple.

    But what's the actual truth? What does the Federal Reserve actually do, and why do so many people believe monetary policy is the main instrument of global socialist tyranny?

    These questions have dire implications for the state of modern political discourse, and that's why it takes two random guys from Wisconsin to break it down on a music podcast. Which is what we're gonna do. For two hours.


    YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfWkUsinRbU&list=PL6QhZ78uzXMrmu1tPp1nsQWRI0aW1EUaL

    Instagram: polishing.podcast
    Twitter/X: @polishing_turds
    email: polishingturdspodcast@gmail.com

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    2 時間 10 分
  • #58. ICED EARTH Part I: Rise of the Stormrider

    We cover the bizarre story of heavy metal legends Iced Earth, whose lead member was involved in the January 6 Capitol Riot.

    (Sorry about the dog barking in the background lol)

    YouTube playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Btd2KxXOvNc&list=PL6QhZ78uzXMohSWyUqf72sHHcCMjDd1PK

    Selected Sources:

    Metal Injection article from 1/6/2021: https://metalinjection.net/politics/is-this-a-photo-of-iced-earths-jon-schaffer-raiding-the-capitol-building

    "The Fall of Jon Schaffer" by J. Salmeron: https://promethean.substack.com/p/the-fall-of-jon-schaffer

    "The Radicalization of Jon Schaffer" video by Metal Blast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfWkUsinRbU&t=1071s

    2004 interview w/ Schaffer: https://bravewords.com/features/bw-bk-iced-earth-controversy-you-be-the-judge

    Instagram: polishing.podcast
    Twitter/X: @polishing_turds
    email: polishingturdspodcast@gmail.com

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    1 時間 51 分
  • #57. IMAGINE DRAGONS Part III: Gods Don't Pray

    Imagine Dragons have become too popular for their own good; a worldwide backlash is only inevitable! Critics, musicians, and countless Twitter randos unite to take the piss out of this commercial rock behemoth. They are, to put it bluntly, the New Nickelback...

    All this ridicule naturally hurts Dan Reynolds' feelings, and he responds to it the only way he know how: by making crappy music. Indeed, the songs that bubble up in the wake of Imagine Dragons' fall from grace are easily the most unbearable of their career. But through it all the boys learn some hard-won lessons, and Dan comes out in a better place than ever before. It's actually kinda heartwarming.

    [Note: since this recording Cal wishes to express his apologies as he has realized that not ALL of Imagine Dragons' songs are in the same key!]

    Instagram: polishing.podcast
    Twitter/X: @polishing_turds
    email: polishingturdspodcast@gmail.com

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    1 時間 22 分
  • #56. IMAGINE DRAGONS Part II: Whatever It Takes

    In Part II of our series we take on Imagine Dragons at their biggest, their boldest, their most obnoxious stage. During the mid-2010s this "rock" band brought their thunderous stomp-clap earworms to every observable realm of the human experience. Whether you were simply trying to listen to the radio, watch a football game, or take a stroll through a shopping center you COULD NOT escape this band.

    In this episode we try to parse out just what it is that made Imagine Dragons so commercially successful, and why that's so annoying to old geezers like us. On the flip side, we also talk about some of Imagine Dragons' charitable efforts including their support for Mormon LGBTQ+ youth.

    We also, quite predictably, go off on random tangents about fast food and obscure PC games.

    Instagram: polishing.podcast
    Twitter/X: @polishing_turds
    email: polishingturdspodcast@gmail.com

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    1 時間 48 分