Pleiadian Channeling: Lightbody Activation

著者: Pleiadian Great Light Channel / Lisa Oswald
  • サマリー

  • Visit for Lisa’s book series on Pleiadian Awake Channeling. 1. ”Awake Energy and the Unique Side of Infinity” 2. ”How to Experience Your Soul’s Origin with the Ripple Point.” 3. ”Healing Lightwork, Angels, Beings, and Insight with your Higher Self.”
    Copyright 2021 All rights reserved.
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Visit for Lisa’s book series on Pleiadian Awake Channeling. 1. ”Awake Energy and the Unique Side of Infinity” 2. ”How to Experience Your Soul’s Origin with the Ripple Point.” 3. ”Healing Lightwork, Angels, Beings, and Insight with your Higher Self.”
Copyright 2021 All rights reserved.
  • Introduction to Book 4: Ancient Chakras of Men and Women
    The Ancient Ones want you to know

    about the “forgotten” chakra planes of circulating energy that transverse our physical forms, moving in different ways. They are all expressing a uniqueness that’s appreciated from different angles in the human form. In these channeled messages, the Pleiadians are asking for a “fresh” approach to the exploration and appreciation of what male and female forms can express. In terms of the chakra system aligning, there is almost a sense of two different species.

    • The creative impulse of manifestation for most men exists not in their minds but in the golden spheres found in their root chakras.
    • For women, their abilities to communicate wisdom and float emotions and consciousness arise from their pelvic planes, the amber lotus pools of energy.

    Chakras are made to move energy so you can recognize "who it is that you came here to be known as." Twenty exercises and visualizations are included to help you on your journey of self-discovery.

    There’s no limit to what you can know and experience. As we find ourselves awake and noticing awake, we can remember who we truly are and appreciate our unique energy as it manifests in whatever purpose we have brought into this moment. Please note: You are about to embark on a journey exploring The Transmissions of Pleiadian Great Light Channel, spoken in the poetic language of light. For many, its unfamiliar phrasing will disrupt the established patterns of the mind and challenge one’s beliefs. This is an opportunity to notice not what you think but what you are experiencing on deeper levels of your soul. It may leave you with more questions than pat answers, sparking your curiosity and moving you to connect with your own energy so you can know what it truly feels like to be alive.

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  • Introduction to Book 3: Healing Lightwork, Angels, Beings, and Insight with Your Higher Self

    “Every lightworker comes to this profound moment. It’s what you have been waiting for your whole life.” It’s now time to call upon your higher self to illuminate the parts of yourself that you’re unsure about. All your Angels and Guides are here to help you. All you have to do is ask. Knowing about the higher self and how it relates to the lightbody structure is essential so you can be alert to your unique energy system. The higher self is a fine point of communication that establishes a strong connection between the levels of expression and expansion of yourself, which is more than what you think you are. This book contains all the instructions you need to gain insight with your higher self, along with stories of healing, the Angelic realm, sentient Beings, lightworker professions, and kingdoms of consciousness.

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  • Your Soul's Origin: Introduction to Book 2

    Your soul’s origin is where it all began. It’s where energy first showed up as the Big Bang of you. It’s when you chose a unique frequency to manifest in your form for all time. This Origination Moment of imploding energy contains the complete and total awareness of yourself along with infinity, not only in this lifetime but in all existences throughout creation. The Pleiadians’ gift to humanity and all sentient Beings is the knowledge of this moment and how to experience it with the Ripple Point. This point is a beautiful light receptor site, a single vortex of energy in front of you where you can download soul information. It is instrumental in self-awakening because it’s the command post for your soul and how energy is distributed in the chakras’ vibrational system, thoughts, and feelings. It is also connected with soul purpose.

    Lisa introduces her second book in the Transmissions of Pleiadian Great Light Channel.

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    15 分

Pleiadian Channeling: Lightbody Activationに寄せられたリスナーの声
