A lot of things in life are worth celebrating; birthdays, weddings, graduating from Kindergarten to Year 1 (one day, soon we will know that feeling!) But the best kinds of celebrations, happen ANNUALLY! I think the word we are looking for is... ANNIVERSARIES! Marc & Lauch talk this week about their upcoming anniversary, what has happened in the world since their last one, and how they have changed and grown as individuals and as a couple. Spoiler Alert: It's both a lot, and not a lot. Plus, they reveal some very big news! Listen to find out this, and more... Especially if you'e ever wondered how 8 inches can make a huge difference between being a neighbour or not? *shrugs* Want to keep up with the boys, or even wish them a happy anniversary? You can by liking, following and subscribing to their instagram @seriouswhitenoisepodcast or by leaving a review and comment here!