Founder, entrepreneur, writer, and podcaster Case Lane, is enthusiastic about guiding others towards achieving lifestyle freedom. She started her company, Ready Entrepreneur, to help people design the life that they want on their own terms, through creating their own online businesses.
A former diplomat and legal professional, Case bravely decided to venture out on her own and she is passionate about teaching the lessons she has learned along the way.
Working for yourself is not easy. But for some of us, we would not have it any other way. Case is one of those people—she firmly believes that if more of us did the work we wanted to do, the world would be in a better place.
As the past year has shown us, doing business online is not going anywhere and creating something that fulfills you is more possible than ever before. Yes, it is overwhelming when you get started. But as Case reminds us, you don’t have to do it all at once. Pick one thing, go for it, and see where it takes you.
Show Notes and Transcript: https://loveyourenthusiasm.com/pick-one-place-to-start-case-lane/