Chris and Christian discuss happiness. First, what is happiness? The philosophical literature contains three main accounts: happiness as a life filled with pleasure, happiness as a kind of positive mood, and happiness as the judgment that your life as a whole is going well. Second, what distinguishes happiness from some seemingly related concepts, such as wellbeing (see: Episode 2) and the meaning of life (see: Episode 3)? Third, what is the value of happiness? Why should we pursue it? Can happiness ever be bad?
Works consulted:
-Davis, Wayne (1981). “Pleasure and Happiness.” Philosophical Studies 39 (3):305 - 317.
-Haybron, Dan, "Happiness", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2020 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = .
-Nozick, Robert (1989). “Happiness.” In Examined Life: Philosophical Meditations. Simon & Schuster.
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