Our guest for today’s podcast is Philip Yau who is a Managing Director at GI Partners. Phil serves as a member of the firm’s Executive Committee and is head of the firm’s capital formation-business development team. His responsibilities include managing strategic relationships, developing new business initiatives, and overseeing the capital formation efforts. Prior to joining GI Partners, Phil spent over 24 years in investment banking, including 12 years as a senior leader of the UBS Private Funds Group.
I met Phil at the most recent AAAIM National Conference held in Los Angeles. Phil sought me out and shared his desire to be featured on the podcast in order to pay tribute to both his parents who served as great role models for Phil and his brother Andrew. Phil’s father, Dr. Stephen Yau, Is a famous professor of computer science who is still teaching after 63 years at 89 years old. Phil’s mother, Victoria Yau, was a well-recognized contemporary artist.
Without further ado, here is our conversation with Phil Yau.