149: This episode may ruffle some feathers but I’m here to bring up some valid questions about 2020, Pfizer, 9/11, what’s in our food, who makes it, and why Americans are truly sick. It’s time to start ASKING QUESTIONS! As always, if you have any questions for the show please email us at digestthispod@gmail.com. And if you like this show, please share it, rate it, review it and subscribe to it on your favorite podcast app. Sponsored By: Our Place Go to fromourplace.com and use code DIGEST for 10% Fatty 15 For 15% off the starter kit go to fatty15.com/digest Check Out Bethany: Bethany’s Instagram: @lilsipper YouTube Bethany’s Website Discounts & My Favorite Products My Digestive Support Protein Powder Gut Reset Book Get my Newsletters (Friday Finds)