Are you looking for a greater purpose that will allow your assets to live on beyond you?
In this episode, Jeff, Tim, and Pete discuss:
- What a purpose trust is and how it may benefit your generosity beyond your lifetime.
- How Farmer’s Organic Market and Patagonia are leading the way with purpose trusts.
- Comparing a traditional trust with a perpetual purpose trust.
- Minimizing conflict and maximizing impact.
Key Takeaways:
- Every trust must have a beneficiary. Until a few years ago, that had to be a person, pet, or cemetery plot. Now, there is a 4th beneficiary - a purpose.
- Traditional trusts can be revocable or non-revocable. Perpetual purpose trusts are non-revocable.
- Purpose trusts may be new to the US but have been functioning in Europe for much longer.
- There are many ways to negotiate ownership and shares with a trust, organization, or family. These purpose trusts can be structured in many ways to help promote your chosen purpose.
"As long as you have a purpose, you can begin putting assets into the trust. These assets that are there need to promote the purpose." — Pete Ochs
About Pete Ochs: Pete Ochs is an author, investor, entrepreneur, and chief steward of Capital III and Enterprise Stewardship: two companies dedicated to being a catalyst for flourishing. Pete’s passion in life is to educate, equip, and empower business leaders worldwide to live for something greater than themselves by using their business platform to impact the world for Christ. To further this end, Pete has written two books, High Impact LIFE and High Impact Business, providing personal and business transformation frameworks. More information can be found at enterprisestewardship.com.
Connect with Pete Ochs:
Website: https://www.enterprisestewardship.com/
Book: https://www.enterprisestewardship.com/high-impact-life
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@enterprisestewardship3695
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pete-ochs/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EStewardship3
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EnterpriseStewardship/
Connect with Jeff Thomas:
Website: https://www.arkosglobal.com/
Podcast: https://www.generousbusinessowner.com/
Book: https://www.arkosglobal.com/trading-up
Email: jeff.thomas@arkosglobal.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArkosGlobalAdv
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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/arkosglobaladvisors
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLUYpPwkHH7JrP6PrbHeBxw