Paul Haury has spent the last 25 years making workplaces healthier, happier, more fun, and higher-performing, first in roles like Head of IT and Head of People, and now as a coach and consultant.
And that's all secondary to WHO Paul is in the world. He's a man who lives his life fully every day, isn't afraid to make a mess, finds love and kindness everywhere, and shares that everywhere he can.
This conversation covered a ton of ground - we pressed record with no agenda, no plan, and no idea where we would end up going. A few of the things we talked about:
- Living life all-in, and how our experiences impacted our focus on what's important
- How we often mistake urgency for inspiration
- Aggressive yard signs, judgment, and how we naturally start from the bias of seeking disagreement
- Our favorite forms of psychological armor
Get the show notes and links here: https://mikefharris.com/in-this-moment/paul-haury-9