
  • Following Jesus

    For years, we've heard people say, "Follow Jesus." But have we taken the time to understand what that really means? Following Jesus is more than just having a personal relationship or a close walk with him. It's more than just socializing with other believers on Sundays. To truly follow Jesus, we must be willing to wholeheartedly seek him and follow his purpose for our lives. We must also accept that our role is not just to pray and spend time with him, but to depend on him completely. The New Testament clearly instructs us to follow Jesus, but what about the Old Testament? While it doesn't explicitly say, "Follow Jesus," it does prophesy his coming. Interestingly, Jesus says, "Follow me," 21 times in the Bible. As we follow Jesus, we learn not only who he is but also who has called us to be. So, what does it mean to walk as he walked? We're empowered by the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead.

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  • Death Of The Flesh

    Roman 8:10-13 The Death of The Flesh This morning I want to start by saying that the flesh is the biggest struggle we all face, whether it is our sinful nature or the most common thing that keeps us from being in tune with the Holy Spirit. I know we have been to the Book of Romans recently, but not these verses. There is a lot to unpack here, so let's dive in. The flesh is a deep connection to the sinful nature we are all born with. The Greek word for flesh, sarx, is often used to refer to human sinfulness. The flesh, in itself apart from the blood of Jesus, is wicked and vulnerable to the enemy. Let's look at these verses one by one. Verse 7 talks about being carnally minded. Verse 8 tells us that if we are in the flesh, we cannot please God. Verse 9 says that if we are not in the flesh but in the spirit, the spirit is in us, and if we don't have the spirit, we are none of His.

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  • Peace and Understanding

    I invite you to turn to John 14:27 in your Bibles with me. This morning's message, 'Rejoice in the Brokenness,' explores the concept of brokenness. It's not just about sin or feeling down; it's also about feeling distant from the Father. Jesus shared this with the disciples to prepare them for his departure, but they still weren't ready. We've been taught to give our problems to God, but we often take them back.

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  • First Love

    We've often heard "return to your first love." This morning, let's examine Revelation 2:4, which says, "Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love." This verse is key, and I also want us to read verse 5 for context. Jesus isn't saying our salvation will be taken away; let's be clear about that. The candlestick metaphor symbolizes the church's light and influence. God's warning shows his desire to restore his relationship with his people. Believers can renew their spiritual commitment by returning to their initial devotion and faith actions, avoiding the loss of God's guidance.

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  • The Altar

    1 Kings 18:32/37

    The altar was designed for sacrifice, a place of atonement where people once pleaded with God for mercy and forgiveness. Although it's no longer considered sacred or used in many places of worship, and isn't a religious place or site of religious ritual, in 1 Kings 18:32-38, we see unique events unfold. Elijah mocks the god of Baal, saying, 'Is he asleep or on a journey?' Then, he prays for fire. I invite you to join me in exploring this further. Elijah called the children of Israel to repent, but they rejected the opportunity. Today, I say that's what this altar is for. While it's true you don't have to go to the altar to do business with God, it's when you get up and feel God's hand resting upon you.

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  • In This Time.

    In 2 Timothy 3:1-5, Paul warns young Timothy about the challenges he'll face. This passage is also very relevant to 2025. Let's reverence God's word. Verse 1 says dangerous times will come, and the word "perilous" means dangerous. We're definitely in those times. Social media has created instant gratification, causing people to love themselves and boast about the good they do while rarely giving glory to King Jesus.

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  • Are You Hungry For God?

    Relatively speaking, when we ask if someone is hungry, the typical responses are 'yes' or 'no,' or even 'I'm starving.' But biblically speaking, I ask you this morning, are you hungry? When we browse the extensive menu at our favorite restaurant, everything appears appealing. However, this morning, there's only one option on the menu: Jesus. Please turn with me to Psalm 37:20-27. As we read these passages, I encourage you to read with your heart and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you deeper.

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  • Un-Ashamed

    Last week, we discussed the importance of confessing. This week, we'll explore being unashamed. We've seen shirts, bracelets, and bumper stickers about being unashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. However, let's be frank - there's a big difference between being ashamed of the Gospel and being unashamed of being a Christian. People often say they're Christians and not ashamed, but how often do they share the message of salvation with others?

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