In this episode, Ivan host Parham Holakouee as they discuss the importance of effective communication. Parham, through his many years of studying and research, explains how to be the best communicator you can be through his three pillars of communication: Empathy, Listening, and Authenticity. Ivan and Parham also discuss how the ego can interfere with one's communications and how to combat the ego from stopping you from being present. Lastly, they discuss how video is the best medium to communicate authentically and to the masses. Parham's Links: Parham's Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/pholakouee/?hl=en) Parham's Twitter (https://twitter.com/pholakouee?lang=en) Ivan Estrada's Links: Brand With (http://brandwith.com) Ivan Estrada (https://www.ivanestrada.com) Brand With Instagram (http://instagram.com/therealbrandwith/) Ivan Estrada Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/ivanestradaproperties/)