I like to pair my Soundscape programming with my Soundwalk episodes when I can, but a bum XLR cable and an unlucky site choice made my fixed Timothy Lake shore recording last fall a failure. This is common. Most field recordings that I make are unspectacular. That’s why I keep at it. Almost daily.
Another thing I like to do is share something recent. So here’s a recording I made last week in Pacific Beach, WA from the porch of a cottage my family had the pleasure of staying at. It’s a 87 minute dawn chorus audio bouquet of downspout drips, rain showers, frog choruses, Pacific Wrens, Song Sparrows, American Robins, Stellar’s Jays, and the distant Pacific Surf. It evolves pretty nicely, I think. Enjoy!
Recorded with a stereo pair of Rode NT1s in an ORTF array to a Tascam DR-100 mkIII.