This is Episode 400 of The Power of Purity Podcast!
The Blood Arrow!
If you were an Indian and you went hunting, you'd probably take more than one arrow in your quiver. In fact, you'd probably want a whole quiver full of arrows, so you'd have plenty of shots ready if you needed them.
In much the same way, people need many different "arrows" in their metaphorical quiver that they can draw upon in their struggle/battle agaisnt temptations. We need to have a battle plan in place, before the temptation arises, so that when the moment of truth arrives we have some resources, concepts, and strategies we can immediately employ in the face of that partiuclar temptation. These strategies are the "arrows" in our quiver, and in this episode Tony presents the concept of a new arrow to fight this battle:
The Blood Arrow!
The blood of Jesus is very powerful!
The blood of Jesus brings us the forgiveness of our sins, makes us a child of God when we beleive in Jesus, gives us a relationship with living God, and even gives us the gift of eternal life.
So, the strategy here is to call upon the blood of Christ in response to temptation. Take out the "blood arrow" and unleash its power in the face of temptation!
In this episode Tony shares 9 powerful scripture verses about the blood of Jesus, and 3 powerful songs about the blood of Jesus.
The next time you're confronted with temptation, quote at least 3 verses about the blood, and sing a chorus about the blood, and you will be empowered to overcome... by the blood arrow!
Nothing But The Blood of Jesus
There's Power in the Blood
There Is A Fountain Filled With Blood - sung by Joni Eareckson Tada