Many people with hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism experience hair loss, and in some cases, this hair loss can be extreme. That said, in my practice, hair loss occurs more commonly with my hyperthyroid patients - whether Graves’ disease, toxic multinational goiter, or subacute thyroiditis - and they also tend to experience more severe cases of hair loss.
Today, I’m discussing extreme thyroid-related hair loss, factors that can contribute to it, treatment options for the condition, and why we have to take a comprehensive and holistic approach to managing thyroid hair loss.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- How thyroid conditions can lead to hair loss
- Other potential causes of hair loss in those with thyroid conditions
- What research shows about alopecia areata and thyroid autoimmunity
- Treatment options to address hair loss
-The importance of nutrient testing and the role of gut health
As always, I hope you find this episode valuable, and I look forward to catching you in the next episode!
To learn more, visit the show notes at https://savemythyroid.com/podcast/overcoming-extreme-cases-of-thyroid-hair-loss/.
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