“The best analogy is that a two-hour operation is about as hard on your body as running a 5-kilometer race as fast as you can go. If you were going to do a 5K, you would train for it. It also makes sense that our patients should train for surgery."
- Michael Englesbe, MD
In today's episode, Caitlin and Steph chat about surgery. Caitlin has had two back surgeries and Steph is preparing for a thymectomy. Preparation for surgery is something we don't always think about. Often times, we don't realize the impact we can have on surgical and post-surgical outcomes. Diet, routine, meditation, and creating a network of support are all important elements of healing post-surgery. Listen in for more!
Remember that we never walk this journey alone. Helpful numbers if you or someone you love finds themself in need quickly:
988- suicide and crisis hotline
741 741 - crisis text hotline
911- medical emergencies