
  • The Results of The Outspoken Beauty Trialling Panel's 12 Week Altrient Vitamin C Trial

    Ad info: I have run a 12 week consumer trial for Altrient. During this episode I'll share some of the results.

    As many of you know, as well as hosting the podcast, I run the Outspoken Beauty Trialling Panel. This amazing group of almost 600 women trial products and give their honest opinions.

    We have recently come to the end of a 12 week Altrient Vitamin C trial with 100 women. This is a brand that I have used and believed in for years and it has been so exciting to see how it has worked for other people.

    During the episode you'll be the first to learn about some of the things we found and whether this supplement is worth investing in.

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    8 分
  • Outspoken Mental Health Ep 8 - Recovery Is Never Linear and That's OK!

    In this week's episode of Outspoken Mental Health I'm talking about why you shouldn't feel disheartened if you think your anxiety is getting better but then you're struck, seemingly out of nowhere by a panic attack.

    I'll chat about a recent anxious episode that I had and how I'm dealing with it and will also chat about the importance of accepting that you never fully stop getting anxious...it's your reaction to it that it everything.

    Here are some mental health charities as promised:



    Information and support for people affected by mental health problems in Wales.

    Anxiety UK

    03444 775 774 (helpline)

    07537 416 905 (text)


    Advice and support for people living with anxiety.


    0808 801 0677 (England)

    0808 801 0433 (Wales)


    Offers information and advice on eating disorders, and runs a supportive online community. Also provides a directory of support services at HelpFinder.

    British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)


    Professional body for talking therapy and counselling. Provides information and a list of accredited therapists.

    Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)

    0800 58 58 58


    Provides a helpline, online and WhatsApp chat, as well as information and support, for anyone affected by suicide or suicidal thoughts.

    Carers UK

    0808 808 7777



    Advice and support for anyone who provides care.

    Disability Rights UK


    Information and support on disabled people's rights.


    0300 123 6600


    Confidential advice and information about drugs, their effects and the law.

    Hearing Voices Network


    Information and support for people who hear voices or have other unshared perceptions, including local support groups.


    Support line: 0300 102 1234



    Mental health service run by and for LGBTQ people.

    NHS UK

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    9 分
  • Madeleine Spencer - Who Can We Trust in The Wellness Industry?

    It's such a pleasure to have the totally brilliant journalist Madeleine Spencer back on the podcast.

    Mads recently wrote an incredible piece for Elle Magazine about how well-informed, science backed health advice is often being replaced by misinformation that is being perpetuated by so-called experts (You only need watch Apple Cider Vinegar on Netflix to understand how easily things can go wrong).

    I was so inspired by the article that I needed to get her on the podcast to delve into this further. During the episode Madeleine talks about the positive side of wellbeing and the amazing things that she has learnt over the years. She also talks about the ease with which misinformation can spread and why we need to be so very careful about who we take advice from.

    We also talk about PCOS, supplements, eating in a balanced way and lots more.

    Madeleine is so well versed on this topic and I think that this is a really important episode for anyone who is confused and overwhelmed about the health and wellbeing industry.

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    46 分
  • Beauty Editor Perdita Nouril Talks SPF

    This is the time of the week where we get skincare focussed with the brilliant beauty editor of Women's Health, Perdita Nouril.

    In this episode we're doing a deep dive into SPF and what it can do for our skin. We chat through some of the best on the market that not only feel great but offer something for lots of skin types and conditions.

    We also have a chat about home micro-needling and a brand new product from Sunday Riley.

    You can find Perdita on Instagram @perditanouril

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    20 分
  • The Outspoken Review - Judging Selena Gomez, Misinformation and Top Beauty Picks of The Week

    In this week's episode of The Outspoken Review I'm talking about the misinformation that seems to permeate so much of social media and even the press. With fear mongering headlines about weight-loss jabs, I talk about why there's always more to the story than there first seems.

    Next I'm chatting about Selena Gomez who is damned if she does and damned if she doesn't. With damning comments about her weight-loss all over social media I ask why women are STILL being judged on their looks.

    Finally I have a list of really good products to tell you about including a new launch from Cerave, the BEST blow up mattress ever, a shower oil that is ridiculously pleasing and the coolest damn perfume I've ever worn.

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    15 分
  • Outspoken Mental Health Ep 7 - The Difference Between Anxiety and an Anxiety Disorder and How to Deal With Both

    When you are prone to anxiety you need to look after your mental health and there are a number of things that you can do to help keep yourself in a good place.

    However, when you are experiencing disordered anxiety, it's important that we don't use our mental health tools as crutches.

    During this episode I go into more detail about my everyday good mental health protocol and also the things I've learnt to do when things get tough.

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    11 分
  • Bryony and Nicola - Questionable Hygiene Standards, Accent Changes and of Course Beauty

    It's Bryony time!

    This week we're talking:

    Zoos and naughty monkeys

    Hygiene ratings (and Bryony's shocking admission)

    Mardi Gras

    Half Term Craziness

    Why Bryony's accent changed

    and of course we have some fantastic beauty recommendations.

    Enjoy Outspoken Beauties xx

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    49 分
  • Perdita Nouril - Ceramides 101

    It's our end of the week session with beauty editor and skincare guru extraordinaire, Perdita Nouril.

    In this episode we're talking all things ceramides..what they are, why we love them, how they help our skin and the products we love the most.

    We also chat briefly about peptides and how sad we are that Lottie London and Ciate are nowhere to be found at the moment.

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    16 分