
  • Episode 155: How to Make a Fishing Show

    This week on Outdoor Journal Radio, Ang and Pete give you a behind-the-scenes look at how The Fish'n Canada Show is planned, shot, produced, and much more! Topics discussed included: The Hulkster; LiveScope blockers; the cheating problem in tournament fishing; a beginner's guide to electronics; how shows get booked; how locations are selected; the Fish'n Canada formula; Polish alarm clocks; and much more!

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    1 時間 35 分
  • Episode 154: Is Your Shorelunch Full of Mercury?? (w/ Dr. Gretchen Hansen)

    Thank you to the sponsors of today's episode!
    - The Invasive Species Centre: Protecting Canada’s land and water from invasive species
    - SAIL: The Ultimate Destination for your Outdoor Adventures
    - J&B Cycle and Marine: Your Home for all things powersports, boats, and equipment
    - Freedom Cruise Canada: Rent the boat, own the memories

    This week on Outdoor Journal Radio, Ang and Pete are joined by Dr. Gretchen Hansen, Assistant Professor at the University of Minnesota and author of a study showing that Zebra mussels could be causing a SUBSTANTIAL rise in mercury levels in some of our favourite-eating gamefish. Topics discussed included: how mercury gets into fish; natural vs. manmade mercury; who needs to be concerned about mercury consumption; how zebra mussels are contributing to the problem; consumption advisories; and much more!

    To never miss an episode of Outdoor Journal Radio, be sure to like, subscribe, and leave a review on your favourite podcast app!

    More from Angelo and Pete:





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    1 時間 35 分
  • Episode 153: 40 Years of The Fish'n Canada Show! (w/ Reno Viola)

    Thank you to the sponsors of today's episode!
    - The Invasive Species Centre: Protecting Canada’s land and water from invasive species
    - SAIL: The Ultimate Destination for your Outdoor Adventures
    - J&B Cycle and Marine: Your Home for all things powersports, boats, and equipment
    - Freedom Cruise Canada: Rent the boat, own the memories

    This week on Outdoor Journal Radio, Ang and Pete are joined by co-founder of The Fish'n Canada Show, Reno Viola! Topics discussed included: the first Fish'n Canada shoot; Fish'n Canada w/ Bob Izumi; the voice of God; Reno's critique of our podcast; stories from the road; the theme song; highlights from Fish'n Canada past; Mike Miller; when fishing shows got pulled from the air; and much more!

    To never miss an episode of Outdoor Journal Radio, be sure to like, subscribe, and leave a review on your favourite podcast app!

    More from Angelo and Pete:





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    2 時間 14 分
  • Episode 152: Our Best Season Yet??

    Thank you to the sponsors of today's episode!
    - The Invasive Species Centre: Protecting Canada’s land and water from invasive species
    - SAIL: The Ultimate Destination for your Outdoor Adventures
    - J&B Cycle and Marine: Your Home for all things powersports, boats, and equipment
    - Freedom Cruise Canada: Rent the boat, own the memories

    This week on Outdoor Journal Radio, Ang and Pete preview the upcoming season of The Fish'n Canada Show, premiering THIS SATURDAY! Topics discussed include: forgetting the net; redefining the maximum size of male walleye; scratching our boat; Northwest Territories pike fishing; Inconnu; Sturgeon fishing near a music festival; first-time shore lunches; new hosts; fly fishing on The Fish'n Canada Show; the best lake trout fishing we've ever seen; and much more!

    To never miss an episode of Outdoor Journal Radio, be sure to like, subscribe, and leave a review on your favourite podcast app!

    NEWS: https://fishncanada.com/news/historic-victory-over-invasive-sea-lampreys/

    More from Angelo and Pete:





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    2 時間 10 分
  • Episode 151: Suing to Save Striped Bass (w/ Jeff Wilson)

    Thank you to the sponsors of today's episode!
    - The Invasive Species Centre: Protecting Canada’s land and water from invasive species
    - SAIL: The Ultimate Destination for your Outdoor Adventures
    - J&B Cycle and Marine: Your Home for all things powersports, boats, and equipment
    - Freedom Cruise Canada: Rent the boat, own the memories'

    This week on Outdoor Journal Radio, Ang and Pete are joined by Jeff Wilson to discuss the lawsuit that is set to help stop the cull of Striped Bass on the Miramichi. Topics discussed include: why the cull is not just a New Brunswick issue; the history of Striped Bass culling; history repeating itself; scapegoats; following the money; why salmon are also struggling in Striper-free Scandinavia; the value of a released fish; whether Striped Bass are invasive; and much more!

    To never miss an episode of Outdoor Journal Radio, be sure to like, subscribe, and leave a review on your favourite podcast app!

    More from Angelo and Pete:





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    1 時間 29 分
  • Episode 150: A New Pike Species??

    Thank you to the sponsors of today's episode!
    - The Invasive Species Centre: Protecting Canada’s land and water from invasive species
    - SAIL: The Ultimate Destination for your Outdoor Adventures
    - J&B Cycle and Marine: Your Home for all things powersports, boats, and equipment
    - Freedom Cruise Canada: Rent the boat, own the memories

    On this year's Outdoor Journal Radio Christmas Special, Ang and Pete are fielding questions from the audience! Topics discussed included: the new season of The Fish'n Canada Show; predicting the future; polar bear jail; eating sabertooth cats; the proper way to freeze meat; advancements in the fishing television industry; survival-scenario fishing kits; dream destinations; relationship advice from Ang and Pete; dressing up your dog; silver pike; what constitutes a new species; and much more!

    To never miss an episode of Outdoor Journal Radio, be sure to like, subscribe, and leave a review on your favourite podcast app!

    More from Angelo and Pete:





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    1 時間 40 分
  • Episode 149: Making Coarse Fish Cool (w/ Tyler Winter)

    Thank you to the sponsors of today's episode!
    - The Invasive Species Centre: Protecting Canada’s land and water from invasive species
    - SAIL: The Ultimate Destination for your Outdoor Adventures
    - J&B Cycle and Marine: Your Home for all things powersports, boats, and equipment
    - Freedom Cruise Canada: Rent the boat, own the memories

    This week on Outdoor Journal Radio, Ang and Pete are joined by Tyler Winter, an advocate for native fish species and the man behind the movement to get "rough fish" reclassed in Minnesota. Topics discussed included: underdog fish; what makes something a gamefish; having turtles on your fish list; eating coarse fish; lumping coarse fish in with invasive species; giving people a reason to conserve; appreciating what's in your backyard; suckerballs; how to catch buffalo; and much more!

    To never miss an episode of Outdoor Journal Radio, be sure to like, subscribe, and leave a review on your favourite podcast app!

    More from Angelo and Pete:





    More from Tyler Winter:
    ► Minnesota’s Native Fish Bill: a case study in shifting the “rough fish paradigm
    ► Native Fish for Tomorrow

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    1 時間 56 分
  • Episode 148: Snakehead Tastes Better Than Walleye? (w/ Joe Cermele)

    Thank you to the sponsors of today's episode!
    - The Invasive Species Centre: Protecting Canada’s land and water from invasive species
    - SAIL: The Ultimate Destination for your Outdoor Adventures
    - J&B Cycle and Marine: Your Home for all things powersports, boats, and equipment
    - Freedom Cruise Canada: Rent the boat, own the memories

    This week on Outdoor Journal Radio, Ang and Pete cave to the pressure of the fans and dedicate a full episode to the underdog species of the fishing world! Joining us to help us do that is one of the kings of coarse fish, Cut&Retie's Joe Cermele! Topics discussed include: what makes a fish an underdog; the coarse fish movement; Aligator Gar; Catching Bowfin on hot dogs; sucker fishing; rough fish designations; Bigmouth Buffalo; Snakehead; the power of Freshwater Drum; bucket biology; Snakehead tasting better than walleye; splash bang; Striper weather; Mahi Mahi in New Jersey; and much more!

    To never miss an episode of Outdoor Journal Radio, be sure to like, subscribe, and leave a review on your favourite podcast app!

    More from Angelo and Pete:





    More from Joe Cermele:

    ► CUT & RETIE

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    1 時間 26 分