Episode Highlights: 🌹 Amanda’s Nana Rose’s passing 🛀🏼 Rest and prioritizing what really matters 💝 The gift of getting “sick” 🔍 Exploring various reasons we may experience “sickness” 😴 A Manifesting Generator perspective on pushing ourselves past our limits 🌟 A Projector’s perspective on rest 🔥 Consciously communicating with the body to receive its messages 🚘 How Amanda’s car situation became a spiritual teacher for her 🐍 Honoring commitments 🎢 Consciously being with ourselves when we are on the rollercoaster of emotions 💃🏼 Shifting into what we REALLY want and honoring our deepest desires and beliefs 🥰 The gift of Amanda’s last visit with her Nana 🙏🏼 Gratitude and trusting that we are always supported ♥️ Trusting ourselves to feel all of our feelings 🪢 Fear, resistance, choice, and “stuck” emotions