Running over 100 Design Sprints together, Margriet and Robert have a special way to work: abroad and on the go! Magriet was one of the first women that runs Design Sprints. Happily I got to know this cool couple and have invited them over. In this episode you will get to know how they make "work" work for them.
We will get in touch with their way to run Hybrid Sprints and why they don't sell Design Sprints, instead they date their clients and the superpowers of each of them.
If you want to learn more about Orange Minds, follow them on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/orange-minds/ and take a look at their super creative Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/omg_designsprints/
Going further in my mission Beyond Design Sprint, you could take a short break at my LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/sabrinagoerlich/ and take a deep breath while catching a glimpse at my German Design Sprint Bootcamp PRO https://www.designsprintstudio.com/bootcamp-pro
Seeing you soon on my next mission!