When we were young
I would often ask just for fun
Will you still love me when old
“Forever my darling” I was told.
With dreams in my eyes
And hopes in my heart
Moved on in life as
Any loving husband and wife.
Ours was a roller coaster ride
As is in any couples lives
We stuck to each other
So the adversaries we could fight.
Always looking for what is wrong
Before looking for who is wrong
Never arguing for very long
This kept our relationship safe and strong.
What more can I ask from God tonight
With kids and grandkids now by our side
Love of brothers and sisters far and wide
Family & Friends our treasures and pride
And a husband like him – The love of my life.
Today when we are at this stage of our life
Spreading love, doing Seva, The food on which we thrive
I thank Waheguruji for all his blessings and more
Nothing left to ask for anything anymore
As fifty years ago, He blessed me with a man brave and bold
Surender my husband – An Ocean of Gold