Dr Scarlett Smash & Dr Craken MacCraic talk about recent US Congressional hearings where they discussed UFOs and the possibility of Aliens in the Ocean. Really they did! The hearing is called “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Exposing the Truth” organized by the subcommittees of the House Oversight Committee; https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/11/13/ufo-hearing-takeaways-uap-congress/76249251007/)
Dr Smash and Craken talk about space science and our oceans, and the possibility of alien visitors in the depths.
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Music credits By Jolly Shore Leave "Al For Me Grog (Trad.)" HandsomeForrune-FE
(Adapted Lyrics by Taran Christen : Musical Arrangement by K. Ryan Hart) Represented by Rebellious Entertainment