
  • Entry 13

    Hello and welcome!

    In this entry I discuss where I’ve been, getting the flu and how it negatively affected my mental health, getting back into therapy and what’s next for treatment.

    I’m still here.♥️

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  • Entry # 12

    Pardon my lateness,

    I go over what’s been new and how my hours have been a little different. How my brain has felt a bit off and I’ve been unsure because now when I’m at home, I’ve been falling asleep a lot lately because of the new hours and how that goes against my initial excitement for the new hours because I’d get more time with Lucy.

    But it’s been a little tough…

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    42 分
  • Entry #11

    In today’s entry, I discuss how OCD has been flaring up at my new job, how difficult it seems to be to make friends after the age of 30.

    I also talk about my aspirations to maybe finally get a dog.

    Mainly just a rant and vent entry where I think through my week and into my future.

    Join me won’t you?

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    43 分
  • Entry #10

    Hello, my name is Toby and I was recently diagnosed with OCD, ADHD and PTSD.

    In today’s entry, I cover camping in the cold with my Wife for new years, hopes and plans for the upcoming year and the actual desire to seize the “new year, new me” stigma.

    I also go over the new job and trying to find my rhythm with work and my entries, please forgive the irregularity!

    I’m still recording.

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    45 分
  • Entry #9 (Christmas Edition)

    In todays entry, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

    I talk about what we’re up to this year and past traditions from when I was growing up.

    Also, creating new traditions and how this time of year can be hard and how difficult it is to feel the holiday spirit.

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    42 分
  • Entry #8

    In today’s entry, I discuss my current life events and what’s been going on, a huge change hopefully for the best.

    I discuss how unhappy I’ve been at my job and how I’ve found an alternative and how much better I’ve begun to feel in new.

    Sorry about being late, but I’m still recording!

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    42 分
  • Entry #7

    Hello, my name is Toby and I was recently diagnosed with OCD, ADHD and PTSD.

    In today’s entry, I discuss my person Moral Scrupulously OCD and what that really means. I talk about how my compulsions came to be and what cause my constant fear and anxiety.

    I go over the statistics and how sufferers of PTSD have a higher chance of developing OCD and the reasons why.


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    52 分
  • Entry #6

    Hello, my name is Toby and I was recently diagnosed with OCD, ADHD and PTSD.

    In today’s entry, Emotions run high as I’m struggling a little more with my mental health than usual, experiencing unhealthy and unwarranted aggravation directed toward small things.

    I cover the panic attack that cause me to batter my face into a black eye and swollen cheek and how hopeless you feel when attacking yourself.

    Being taken to the hospital via ambulance only for security to take my personal items and treat me as though I was some dangerous addict all the while I lay on a bed in the fetal position exhausted and terrified.

    Being used by people I considered friends and turning a blind eye to the reality that it was never me they liked, but what I could do for them or what they could get from me.

    Finally, realizing no one is going to swoop in and fix my life for me, this is no movie or book where everything is written to work out and it’s up to ME to fight for what I want.

    There’s a lot to unwrap in this entry, but know that it’s real and happening to good people who just want help and guidance, and because of that…

    I’m still recording.

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