“Both/And” expands our awareness of God, others and the world around us.
Philippians 4:7 (NIV)
Nondualistic thinking
- Sees subtlety, exceptions, mystery, and a bigger picture
Discussion One:
- Have you heard of Non-dualism before?
- Can you see how this framework of Both/And might serve you?
- Do you have your own examples of how this both/and experience comes up in your life?
Nondual Awareness
- Another term for union with God.
Luke 17:21, Mark 1:15, John 18:36, Psalm 139:1 & 11
Discussion Two:
- Are there ways that you sometimes become aware of God’s presence? How do we experience this in our actual lives?
- How do we engage in a life where the Kingdom of Heaven lives within us?
- What do we wonder about?