
  • The Greatest Story Ever Told – Episode 1 – Creation to Monarchy
    Episode one of our Bible 101 class from New Life University entitled “The Greatest Story Ever Told: An Overview of the Entire Story of the Bible. Please like, follow, or subscribe to our New Life University podcast feed on Apple, Spotify, or Amazon. Lesson PowerPoint If you would like to earn a certificate from New Life U, please leave a comment and we’ll get information to you. This lesson was given at New Life Presbyterian Church in Ithaca, NY. Come The post The Greatest Story Ever Told – Episode 1 – Creation to Monarchy first appeared on New Life Church Ithaca.
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  • A Vision to Sustain Us
    We need inspiring images to help us through our lives. What if Jesus gave us the greatest inspirational image of all? Himself. An excursus from 1 John on the topic of the Transfiguration, focusing on 1 John 3:2’s encouragement that we will see God. Sermon Outline: 1. We need a vision to sustain us. 2. Jesus gives us a vision to sustain us now. 3. Jesus calls us from that vision to do the work of the kingdom 4. We The post A Vision to Sustain Us first appeared on New Life Church Ithaca.
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    31 分
  • Beloved Children of God
    Why do Christians believe and act differently from non-Christians? Christianity is a family, and it’s hard for those outside the family to understand. Outline 1. We are God’s beloved children, therefore the world does not know us 2. Jesus died to defeat the Devil, therefore we do not sin Quotes: For we are not reconciled unto Him except through that love in virtue of which we are also called sons. -St. Augustine, 5th c. The Christian does not think God The post Beloved Children of God first appeared on New Life Church Ithaca.
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  • Little Christs
    Many people who profess belief in God don’t agree with Christian teaching and don’t think attending church is necessary. But the Bible actually says that those things are necessary for eternal life. In this sermon text John states that we do have to abide in the truth of Scripture and we have to be a part of the church in order to have eternal life. Sermon Outline 1. Abide in the truth 2. Abide in the Church 3. Abide in The post Little Christs first appeared on New Life Church Ithaca.
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  • You Got This
    We’d all like our own personal cheerleader to affirm us and keep us confident and assured. John sets out to do this very thing with God’s word. To tell us, we got this! A sermon on 1 John 2:7-17 Sermon Outline: I. You know this II. You got this III. You don’t need that Link: Stewart Smalley, Michael Jordan SNL Sketch Scripture Text: 1 John 2:7-17 Beloved, I am writing you no new commandment, but an old commandment that you The post You Got This first appeared on New Life Church Ithaca.
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  • Christ Our Advocate
    There are competing truth claims in the ethical landscape of our society. One says there is no God, no purpose, no meaning, no right or wrong. The other says these things do exist because there is a creator who gives a moral code for us to follow. Sermon Outline: I. The Ideal II. The Reality III. The Provision IV. The Promise Quotes: “The total amount of suffering per year in the natural world is beyond all decent contemplation. During the The post Christ Our Advocate first appeared on New Life Church Ithaca.
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  • Unapproachable Light
    John makes a metaphysical claim that turns out also to be a moral claim and a relational claim: God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all. Sermon Outline: I. God is light, and there is no darkness in God A. God is immense in power and being B. Good and evil exist C. God defines what is Good. II. The Light reveals sin A. Sin is what is not light B. Particular sin questions avoided, only the The post Unapproachable Light first appeared on New Life Church Ithaca.
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  • Biography of John and Sermon Extras
    In this bonus episode, we cover biographical material on the Apostle John, along with some sermon extras that didn’t make the final cut. Link to NYT “Ask the Ethicist” article Come see the beautiful Finger Lakes region, and worship God with us. www.newlifeithaca.org. Podcast intro and outro music is from “We Will Feast in the House of Zion” provided by Sandra McCracken and with her permission. www.sandramccracken.com. The post Biography of John and Sermon Extras first appeared on New Life Church Ithaca.
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