Neville Goddard book 'YOUR FAITH IS YOUR FORTUNE' - Chapter 8: No Other God - Audiobook
- 2025/02/05
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⬇️ C L I C K H E R E ⬇️ https://www.buildingmentalmuscle.com/access-10-classics to grab for FREE 10 Classic Best Selling Law of Attraction Books! 🔊 Your Faith is Your Fortune - Chapter 8: No Other God ✍️ by Neville Goddard YOUR FAITH IS YOUR FORTUNE (book):- Chapter 8: No Other God "I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me is no God." —ISAIAH chapter 44, verse 6. "I am the Lord thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. Thou shalt have none other Gods before me." —DEUT. chapter 5, verses 6, 7. "Thou shalt have no other God beside me.” As long as man entertains a belief in a power apart from himself, so long will he rob himself of the being that he is. Every belief in powers apart from himself, whether for good or evil, will become the mould of the graven image worshipped. The beliefs in the potency of drugs to heal, diets to strengthen, moneys to secure, are the values or money changers that must be thrown out of the power he can then unfailingly manifest that quality. This understanding throws out the money changers Temple. “Ye are the Temple of the Living God,” a Temple made without hands. It is written, “My house shall be called of all nations a house of prayer, but ye have made it a den of thieves.” The thieves who rob you are your own false beliefs. It is your belief in a thing not the thing itself that aids you. There is only one power: I AM He. Because of your belief in external things you think power into them by transferring the power that you are to the external thing. Realize you yourself are the power you have mistakenly given to outer conditions. The Bible compares the opinionated man to the camel who could not go through the needle’s eye. The needle’s eye referred to was a small gate in the walls of Jerusalem which was so narrow that a camel could not go through it until relieved of its pack. The rich man, that is the one burdened with false human concepts, cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven until relieved of his burden any more than could the camel go through this small gate. Man feels so secure in his man-made laws, opinions and beliefs that he invests them with an authority they do not possess. Satisfied that his knowledge is all, he remains unaware that all outward appearances are but states of mind externalized. When he realizes that the consciousness of a quality externalizes that quality without the aid of any other or many values and establishes the one true value, his own consciousness. “The Lord is in his holy temple.” Consciousness dwells within that which it is conscious of being. I AM man is the Lord and his temple. Knowing that consciousness objectifies itself, man must forgive all men for being that which they are. He must realize that all are expressing (without the aid of another) that which they are conscious of being. Peter, the enlightened or disciplined man, knew that a change of consciousness would produce a change of expression. Instead of sympathizing with the beggars of life at the temple’s gate he declared, “Silver and gold have I none (for thee) but such as I have (the consciousness of freedom) give I unto thee.” RICHARD HARGREAVES 🔊 Your Faith is Your Fortune - Chapter 8: No Other God ✍️ by Neville Goddard Copyright 2023 © Ironpower Publishing. All right reserved https://youtu.be/PE6_oDnXYVQ YouTube Chanel - Building Mental Muscle