
  • Human Side of the Story - Ep. 51 - They Call Him Maurice

    Leading in with reference to The Steve Miller Band, Neil shares some background on Florida Panthers head coach Paul Maurice which further sheds light on how he got into coaching.

    X: https://twitter.com/NHLWraparound

    Neil Smith: https://twitter.com/NYCNeil

    Vic Morren: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vic-morren-7038737/

    NHL Wraparound Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/nhlwraparound/

    #NHLWraparound #ShortShifts #NYCentric #NeilSmith #VicMorren #NHL #PaulMaurice #WindsorSpitfires #PatJablonski #PeterKarmanos #RalphKreuger #2016WorldCupofHockey #TeamEurope #AdamGraves #PeterDeBoer #FloridaPanthers #HenryGraves #SteveMillerBand

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  • NHL Wraparound Short Shifts - The New Bruins Embracing the Underdog Role - March 12, 2025

    Following the trade of Brad Marchand, the Boston Bruins have delivered two of their finest efforts of the season, the latest coming at the hands of their former captain's new team. Whether this is sustainable remains to be seen but, it has certainly created yet another piece of intrigue in the East wild card race where the Ottawa Senators have put some space between themselves and the rest of the field.

    Out West, the struggles continue for Edmonton and Vancouver, the latter about to play their biggest game of the season Wednesday against Calgary.

    X: https://twitter.com/NHLWraparound

    Neil Smith: https://twitter.com/NYCNeil

    Vic Morren: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vic-morren-7038737/

    NHL Wraparound Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/nhlwraparound/

    #NHLWraparound #ShortShifts #NYCentric #NeilSmith #VicMorren #NHL #AnaheimDucks # #BostonBruins #BuffaloSabres #CalgaryFlames #CarolinaHurricanes #ChicagoBlackhawks #ColoradoAvalanche #ColumbusBlueJackets #DallasStars #DetroitRedWings #EdmontonOilers #FloridaPanthers #LosAngelesKings #MinnesotaWild #MontrealCanadiens #NashvillePredators #NewJerseyDevils #NewYorkIslanders #NewYorkRangers #OttawaSenators #PhiladelphiaFlyers #PittsburghPenguins #StLouisBlues #SanJoseSharks #SeattleKraken #TampaBayLightning #TorontoMapleLeafs #UtahHockeyClub #VancouverCanucks #VegasGoldenKnights #WashingtonCapitals #WinnipegJets #BradMarchand #DavidPastrnak #MasonLohrei #PavelZacha #NikitaZadorov #SamBennett #AleksanderBarkov #CarterVerhaeghe #TDGarden #AaronEklblad #NHL/NHLPAPerformanceEnhancingProgram #SethJones #LinusUllmark #DylanLarkin #DylanCozens #MichaelAmadio #AntonForsberg #LeeviMerilainen #BradyTkachuk #JesperBratt #LukeHughes #CodyGlass #JackHughes #MathieuOlivier #MattRempe #BobProbert #QuinnHughes #RickTocchet #NickSuzuki #BrockBoeser #JurajSlafkovsky #ColeCaufield #SamMontembeault #MartinStLouis #GabeVilardi #ConnorHellebuyck #MorganBarron #PresidentsTrophy #ArtemiPanarin #IgorShesterkin #AdamFox #MikaZibanejad #ChrisKreider #VincentTrocheck #QuintonByfield #TonyDeAngelo #DarcyKuemper #LeonDraisaitl #TageThompson #KrisKnoblauch #ConnorMcDavid #ZachHyman #SamReinhart #ViktorArvidsson #JeffSkinner #AdamHenrique #MattiasEkholm #EvanBouchard #RyanNugent-Hopkins #NathanMacKinnon #RocketRichardTrophy ##ArtRossTrophy #JakeWalman #StuartSkinner #QuebecNordiques #JoeSakic #PeterStastny #ScottWedgewood #MatsZuccarello #MattBoldy #FilipGustavsson #MacKenzieBlackwood #MitchMarner #SimonBenoit #MichaelKesselring #EddieShack #LouFontinato #PyotrKochetkov #AliakseiProtas #AlexOvechkin #BrandonDuhaime #TomWilson #Pierre-LucDubois #NoahHanafin #ErikKarlsson #SidneyCrosby #TristanJarry Wilkes-Barrie/ScrantonPenguins #KyleDubas #FilipForsberg #StevenStakos #KieferBellows #MacklinCelebrini #AdamFox #RasmusDahlin #JackEichel #KevynAdams #JoshNorris #CamAtkinson #JonathanQuick #AdamBoqvist

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    36 分
  • NY Centric - Realities for the New York City Locals Post Deadline - March 11, 2025

    With the trade deadline passed, the Devils, Rangers and Islanders have the rosters they will finish their regular seasons with. For different reasons, none of the three are in enviable positions and time is running short to change course.

    X: https://twitter.com/NHLWraparound

    Neil Smith: https://twitter.com/NYCNeil

    Vic Morren: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vic-morren-7038737/

    NHL Wraparound Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/nhlwraparound/

    #NHLWraparound #ShortShifts #NYCentric #NeilSmith #VicMorren #NHL #AnaheimDucks # #BostonBruins #BuffaloSabres #CalgaryFlames #CarolinaHurricanes #ChicagoBlackhawks #ColoradoAvalanche #ColumbusBlueJackets #DallasStars #DetroitRedWings #EdmontonOilers #FloridaPanthers #LosAngelesKings #MinnesotaWild #MontrealCanadiens #NashvillePredators #NewJerseyDevils #NewYorkIslanders #NewYorkRangers #OttawaSenators #PhiladelphiaFlyers #PittsburghPenguins #StLouisBlues #SanJoseSharks #SeattleKraken #TampaBayLightning #TorontoMapleLeafs #UtahHockeyClub #VancouverCanucks #VegasGoldenKnights #WashingtonCapitals #WinnipegJets#JackHughes #DougieHamilton #CodyGlass #BrianDumoulin #TomFitzgerald #SheldonKeefe #DanielSprong #TimoMeier #JesperBratt #DawsonMercer #BrianLeetch #MapleLeafGardens #NathanMacKinnon #AlexOvechkin #JohnDruce #TomWilson #ChrisKreider #CarsonSoucy #BradyTkachuk #BradenSchneider #AdamFantilli #ArtemiPanarin #MikaZibanejad #JonathanQuick #IgorShesterkin #PeterLaviolette #JohnTortorella #GerardGallant #UBSArena #PatrickRoy #BrockNelson #WilliamDufour #OliverKylington #CalumRitchie #AdamBeckman #DennisCholowski #KylePalmieri #LouLamoriello #MagnusHogberg

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    30 分
  • Episode 51 - Top Cat - A Chat with Panthers Head Coach Paul Maurice

    After three decades behind NHL benches, Paul Maurice finally reached the top of the coaching mountain last spring when his Florida Panthers held off the Edmonton Oilers to win the Stanley Cup.

    Maurice visited with Neil and Vic Friday to discuss his long history as a coach, several recent acquisitions, preparing to defend the title and then...as the interviewed wrapped up, there was another piece of business the coach had to attend to.

    There's also some unpacking to the trade deadline both from player and team perspectives as well as a discussion on growth of Ottawa Captain Brady Tkachuk.


    [01:36] - In "Three Things You Need to Pay Attention To," Brad Marchand is a Florida Panther, Hurricanes GM Eric Tulsky is taking a positive stand having to move recent acquisition Mikko Rantanen and two front-runners are emerging in the East Wild Card picture while the defending Presidents' Trophy winners flounder.

    [12:52] - Paul Maurice joins the show and reflects on winning the Stanley Cup in 2024 and how the feeling gets better with time.

    [17:18] - Neil and Paul embark on the journey of Maurice's long head coaching career dotted throughout with some terrific stories about people and hockey culture.

    [40:00] - In advance of the trade deadline acquisition of Brad Marchand, Maurice speaks about several other additions the Panthers had brought in leading up to 3pm last Friday.

    [44:35] - While the Panthers were bolstering their lineup, so too were other clubs around the NHL. Maurice addresses the importance of paying attention to other deals around the league.

    [49:09] - A little levity. Maurice is one of the great humorists in the NHL and he tells us which comedian's style he's found effective in delivering his own messages.

    [50:20] - The meaning of the Cup and its impact to others is brought home to wrap up the discussion.

    [57:05] - Notable trade deadline debuts.

    [1:00:08] - Brady Tkachuk has matured into one of the NHL's top leaders. We look at what has changed in Canada's capital.

    [1:03:34] - With the trade deadline behind us, Neil takes Vic's $100 and evaluates the Western Conference powerhouses before placing his bet.

    [1:15:22] - Player Notes

    [1:20:44] - In the Human Side of the Story, a few things you may not have know about Panthers head coach Paul Maurice.

    X: https://twitter.com/NHLWraparound

    Neil Smith: https://twitter.com/NYCNeil

    Vic Morren: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vic-morren-7038737/

    NHL Wraparound Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/nhlwraparound/

    #NHLWraparound #ShortShifts #NYCentric #NeilSmith #VicMorren #NHL #AnaheimDucks # #BostonBruins #BuffaloSabres #CalgaryFlames #CarolinaHurricanes #ChicagoBlackhawks #ColoradoAvalanche #ColumbusBlueJackets #DallasStars #DetroitRedWings #EdmontonOilers #FloridaPanthers #LosAngelesKings #MinnesotaWild #MontrealCanadiens #NashvillePredators #NewJerseyDevils #NewYorkIslanders #NewYorkRangers #OttawaSenators #PhiladelphiaFlyers #PittsburghPenguins #StLouisBlues #SanJoseSharks #SeattleKraken #TampaBayLightning #TorontoMapleLeafs #UtahHockeyClub #VancouverCanucks #VegasGoldenKnights #WashingtonCapitals #WinnipegJets #PaulMaurice #BradMarchand #EricTulsky #TomDundon #MikkoRantanen #LoganStankoven #MartinNecas #JackDrury #JakeGuentzel #SethJarvis #TaylorHall #MitchMarner #BillZito #VladimirTarasenko #AdamGraves #PatQuinn #PaulHolmgren #PeteDeBoer #TomWebster #RogerNeilson #PeteKarmanos #JimRutherford #GlenFeatherstone #KeithGretzky #WayneGretzky #TerryCrisp #SooGreyhounds #MarkMessier #BradSmith #WayneMaxner #ToddHarvey #NorthBayCentennials #DetroitJrRedWings #BertTempleton #MemorialCup #JaromeIginla #DarcyTucker #ShaneDoan #JamieAllison #BryanBerard #HartfordWhalers #PeterLaviolette #TorontoMarlboros #BatesBattaglia #MatsSundin #RodBrind'Amour #EricStaal#JustinFaulk #MarcStaal #EvegeniMalkin #MatsZuccarello #RyanO'Reilly #SergeiGonchar...

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  • NHL Wraparound 2025 NHL Trade Deadline Recap Show


    Brad Marchand and Mikko Rantanen (again) on the move headline a fascinating conclusion to the NHL trade deadline as the defending champs load up while there's an arms race in earnest in the West.

    X: https://twitter.com/NHLWraparound

    Neil Smith: https://twitter.com/NYCNeil

    Vic Morren: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vic-morren-7038737/

    NHL Wraparound Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/nhlwraparound/

    #NHLWraparound #ShortShifts #NYCentric #NeilSmith #VicMorren #NHL #AnaheimDucks # #BostonBruins #BuffaloSabres #CalgaryFlames #CarolinaHurricanes #ChicagoBlackhawks #ColoradoAvalanche #ColumbusBlueJackets #DallasStars #DetroitRedWings #EdmontonOilers #FloridaPanthers #LosAngelesKings #MinnesotaWild #MontrealCanadiens #NashvillePredators #NewJerseyDevils #NewYorkIslanders #NewYorkRangers #OttawaSenators #PhiladelphiaFlyers #PittsburghPenguins #StLouisBlues #SanJoseSharks #SeattleKraken #TampaBayLightning #TorontoMapleLeafs #UtahHockeyClub #VancouverCanucks #VegasGoldenKnights #WashingtonCapitals #WinnipegJets #BradMarchand #SethJones #NicoSturm #VitekVanecek #KaapoKahkonen #ChrisDriedger #MatthewTkachuk #SamBennett #TrentFrederic #BrandonCarlo #FraserMinten #CharlieCoyle #CaseyMittlestadt #WilliamZellers #JustinBrazeau #HenriJokiharju #JimMontgomery #PatriceBergeon #DavidKrejci #EliasLindholm #JeremySwayman #NikitaZadorov #ClaudeGiroux #YanniGourde #OliverBjorkstrand #MichaelEyssimont #PatrickGiles #MikkoRantanen #LoganStankoven #ChrisJohnston #TSN #NathanMacKinnon #MartinNecas #TaylorHall #JackDrury #BrockNelson #CalumRitchie #OliverKylington #ErikJohnson #JimmyVesey #RyanLindgren #MacKenzieBlackwood #ScottWedgewood #CalvinDeHaan #JussoParssinen #BrandonTanev #LukeSchenn #ConnorMcDavid #LeonDraisaitl #MaxJones #PetrHauser #JakeWalman #CarlBerglund #StuartSkinner #CalvinPickard #AndreiKuzmenko #CarsonSoucy #BrockBoeser #JTMiller #EliasPettersson #ThatcherDemko #KevinLankinen #QuinnHughes #ReillySmith #BrendanBrisson #JonCooper #JulienBrise-Bois #ScottLaughton #AnthonyStolarz #JosephWoll #BradTreliving #AnthonyBeauvillier #ChrisPatrick #SpencerCarbery #BoHorvat #JackHughes #DougieHamilton #BrianDumoulin #CodyGlass #DennisCholowski #LukeKunin #DylanCozens #DennisGilbert #JoshNorris #JacobBernard-Docker #BradyTkachuk #FabianZetterlund #ErikBrannstrom #NiccolasAube-Kubel #SonnyMIlano #NicklasBackstrom #TJOshie #PetrMrazek #CraigSmith #JoeVeleno #CamTalbot #AlexLyon #DylanLarkin #PatrickKane #LucasRaymond #MoritzSeider #LouLamoriello #AdamBeckman #KylePalmieri #WilliamDufour #MatthewBarzal #AndersLee #SheaWeber #BillArmstrong #KarelVejmelka #IanCole #OlliMaatta #AlexKerfoot #NickBjugstad #MarkJankowski #JoelArmia #DavidSavard #TylerMotte #PatMaroon #JasonZucker #AlecMartinez #MattGrzelcyk #RyanDonato #WyattJohnston #EvanderKane #PaulMaurice

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    42 分
  • Human Side of the Story - Ep. 50 - The Angst of a GM at the Trade Deadline

    There are several benchmarks on the NHL calendar by which general managers are judged. One is the trade deadline. Neil shares the differences he's seen in the deadline over the past three decades as well as the array of emotions that one in that position experiences.

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgBj1LV0-DMfBhcRPSJZLjA

    X: https://twitter.com/NHLWraparound

    Neil Smith: https://twitter.com/NYCNeil

    Vic Morren: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vic-morren-7038737/

    NHL Wraparound Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/nhlwraparound/

    #NHLWraparound #ShortShifts #NYCentric #NeilSmith #VicMorren #NHL #JoeKocur #KevinMiller #PerDjoos #DetroitRedWings

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    7 分
  • NHL Wraparound Short Shifts - Calm Before the Storm? - March 5, 2025

    In two days, the rumors and speculation will cease and 32 teams will know the personnel they will ride through to the completion of their respective seasons. In the meantime, we have two trades to report - one at the beginning of the show and one at the end. In addition, Vic and Neil talk about each game over the past two nights, and their impacts, not only on the standings but as to how it may affect the decisions of certain GM's.

    And you won't want to miss on Neil's fearless predictions on who stays and who goes by Friday's deadline.

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgBj1LV0-DMfBhcRPSJZLjA

    X: https://twitter.com/NHLWraparound

    Neil Smith: https://twitter.com/NYCNeil

    Vic Morren: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vic-morren-7038737/

    NHL Wraparound Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/nhlwraparound/

    #NHLWraparound #ShortShifts #NYCentric #NeilSmith #VicMorren #NHL #AnaheimDucks # #BostonBruins #BuffaloSabres #CalgaryFlames #CarolinaHurricanes #ChicagoBlackhawks #ColoradoAvalanche #ColumbusBlueJackets #DallasStars #DetroitRedWings #EdmontonOilers #FloridaPanthers #LosAngelesKings #MinnesotaWild #MontrealCanadiens #NashvillePredators #NewJerseyDevils #NewYorkIslanders #NewYorkRangers #OttawaSenators #PhiladelphiaFlyers #PittsburghPenguins #StLouisBlues #SanJoseSharks #SeattleKraken #TampaBayLightning #TorontoMapleLeafs #UtahHockeyClub #VancouverCanucks #VegasGoldenKnights #WashingtonCapitals #WinnipegJets #TrentFrederic #MaxJones #PetrHauser #MaxWanner #ShaneLachance #EvanderKane #CoreyPerry #KenHolland #StanBowman #JimMontgomery #JeremySwayman #DustinWolf #CalvinPicard #MasonMcTavish #JacksonLacombe #CutterGauthier #LeonDraisaitl #ConnorMcDavid #StevenStamkos #RyanO'Reilly #MorganFrost #JoelFarabee #ConnorZary #JTMiller #ArtemiPanarin #WillCullye #IgorShesterkin #JordanMartinook #FrederikAndersen #Pierre-LucDubois #DylanStrome #ShanePinto #JakeSanderson #MikeMatheson #ColeCaufield #NickSuzuki #RasmusDahlin #LouLamoriello #SemyonVarlamov #MagnusHogberg #AndersLee #AdamLowry #BrockNelson #KylePalmieri #IlyaSorokin #AleksanderBarkov #SethJones #SergeiBobrovsky #RyanMcDonagh #VictorHedman #NikitaKucherov #JakeGuentzel #ZachWerenski #YegorChinakhov #NicoHischier #BrettPesce #ThomasHarley #SheldonKeefe #JackHughes #RoopeHintz #AnthonyBeauvillier #LoganO'Connor #CaseyMittlestadt #ArtturiLehkonen #RyanLindgren #SamMalinski #NathanMacKinnon #DaveHakstol #DanBylsma #CochellaValley #FilipGustavsson #RyanHartman #GeorgeMcPhee #RonFrancis #SpencerKnight #IlyaMikheyev #RyanDonato #FabianZetterlund #MackinCelebrini #BradMarchand #UBSArena #BrockBoeser #BrandonTanev #JoelArmia #NickBjugstad #DavidSavard #BrianDumoulin #JasonZucker #PatMaroon #AlecMartinez #TylerMotte #MattGrzelcyk #NicoSturm #IanCole #AlexKerfoot #VitekVanecek #ChrisDriedger #DougieHamilton #MasonMarchment #JoshManson #JakeEvans #JesperBoqvist #DylanHolloway #PhilipBroberg #DougArmstrong #RickBowness #PaulMaurice

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    42 分
  • NY Centric - The Rangers Trade Update with Peter Baugh from The Athletic - Mar. 4, 2025

    With Friday's trade deadline approaching, the three New York-area teams all have very different areas to address. Rangers writer for The Athletic, Peter Baugh, joins NY Centric before Vic and Neil tackle the Islanders and Devils.

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgBj1LV0-DMfBhcRPSJZLjA

    X: https://twitter.com/NHLWraparound

    Neil Smith: https://twitter.com/NYCNeil

    Vic Morren: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vic-morren-7038737/

    NHL Wraparound Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/nhlwraparound/

    #NHLWraparound #ShortShifts #NYCentric #NeilSmith #VicMorren #NHL #AnaheimDucks # #BostonBruins #BuffaloSabres #CalgaryFlames #CarolinaHurricanes #ChicagoBlackhawks #ColoradoAvalanche #ColumbusBlueJackets #DallasStars #DetroitRedWings #EdmontonOilers #FloridaPanthers #LosAngelesKings #MinnesotaWild #MontrealCanadiens #NashvillePredators #NewJerseyDevils #NewYorkIslanders #NewYorkRangers #OttawaSenators #PhiladelphiaFlyers #PittsburghPenguins #StLouisBlues #SanJoseSharks #SeattleKraken #TampaBayLightning #TorontoMapleLeafs #UtahHockeyClub #VancouverCanucks #VegasGoldenKnights #WashingtonCapitals #WinnipegJets #PeterBaugh #TheAthletic #MadisonSquareGarden #RyanLindgren #JimmyVesey #HankKempf #CalvindeHaan #JussoParssinen #ChrisDrury #SamRosen #JoeMicheletti #RileySmith #ChrisKreider #CaleMakar #AdamFox #ZachWerenski #BooneJenner #KirillMarchenko #IgorShesterkin #PeterLaviolette #MikaZibanejad #ArtemiPanarin #JTMIller #WillCuylle #AustonMatthews #MitchMarner #TylerToffoli #JackRoslevic #IlyaSorokin #AlexanderRomanov #LouLamoriello #AnthonyDuclair #MaximTsyplakov #TonyDeAngelo #ScottPerunovich #AdamBoqvist #MatthewBarzal #PatrickRoy #KylePalmieri #BrockNelson #StevenStamkos #BillySmith #RobRamage #ColoradoRockies #AndersLee #TimoMeier #NicoDaws #JacobMarkstrom #JackHughes #JackEichel #TomFitzgerald #BrianLeetch #ChrisJohnston #SheldonKeefe #NicoHischier #JacobMarkstrom #NicoDaws #JakeAllen #BraydenSchenn #CaseyMiddlestadt #RyanO'Reilly #DougArmstrong #BillChadwick #BruceMcNall #BarryBeck #ChrisWells #UBSArena

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