• My Social Distancing: 英語聞き流そう!

  • 2024/07/03
  • 再生時間: 9 分
  • ポッドキャスト

『My Social Distancing: 英語聞き流そう!』のカバーアート

My Social Distancing: 英語聞き流そう!

  • サマリー

  • 京都や家族、日本を題材にした感動とユーモアの英語エッセイで聞き流し英語リスニング。 日本のミュージシャンを主人公にした面白い、興味深いエピソードを短く、英語で読み聞かせ! 段々と話の内容が分かってくると面白くてくせになる。 ユーモアたっぷりの日本人女子が主役のショートストーリー集。 ⁠⁠https://88thpp.com/⁠⁠ ⁠⁠英語リスニング攻略ガイド ⁠⁠ ☆ ★ ☆ お小遣いサイト モッピー ☆ ★ ☆ 累計900万人が利用しているポイントサイト! タダでお小遣いが貯められるコンテンツが充実★ 貯めたポイントはAmazonギフトやApple Gift Card、 PayPay、現金等に交換できちゃう♪ 簡単1分 無料会員登録しよう♪ https://pc.moppy.jp/entry/invite.php?invite=SkWEe104 My Social Distancing I’m not good at being with people by nature. I always like to being alone and stay inside my room. Basically, any contact with others is uncomfortable. Not to mention phone calls, public places are dreadful for me unless they are near empty with few people. I hate to have a person standing right behind me at the checkout counter in a supermarket. Whenever I take a train, I search for a car that has the least passengers. My so-called ‘body bubble’ seems excessively large. I often almost utter a scream when a person bumps into or even slightly brushes me. Needless to say, chattering with others is excruciating. My apartment building has a communal spa for the residents and I use it everyday. The residents are inevitably acquainted with each other and small talk between them is rampant in the spa. I’m often caught up in it and desperately try to find closure of the conversation by sweating all over. To avoid an ordeal, I’m usually careful not to share time together with familiar residents as much as possible. When I see them, I practically run away. My partner calls me a robot because of my behavior. The time of recent social distancing shouldn’t bother a person like me. Social distancing has been already my thing for a long time. At least I had believed so. I had thought it wouldn’t hurt a natural ‘social-distancer’ as myself. But I found I was wrong. One of my favorite Japanese comedians from my childhood died the other day. Until just recently, he had appeared on various TV shows and his funny face had been the norm for TV. The daily TV time in a Japanese living room has changed suddenly, completely. He was a nationally popular comedian who earned the monstrous TV rating. When I was a child, my family gathered in front of TV for his show at 8 p.m. every Saturday and laughed so hard together. Kids at school would talk about the show next Monday and laugh again together. When I was in my early teens, I danced his signature gig called ‘Mustache Dance’ so frantically in the dining room that my foot slipped and I fell hitting my face on the dining table. Those memories made me feel as if part of me was lost with him by his death. Episode from My Naked Spa in Japan: Fear, Relationship and A Breakthrough  アマゾンにてテキストブック発売中。 HidemiWoods.com Audiobook 1 : Japanese Dream by Hidemi Woods On Sale at online stores or apps. Audiobook 2 : My Social Distancing and Naked Spa in Japan by Hidemi Woods On Sale at online stores or apps. Apple Books, Audible, Google Play, Nook Audiobooks, 43 available distributors in total.
    続きを読む 一部表示


京都や家族、日本を題材にした感動とユーモアの英語エッセイで聞き流し英語リスニング。 日本のミュージシャンを主人公にした面白い、興味深いエピソードを短く、英語で読み聞かせ! 段々と話の内容が分かってくると面白くてくせになる。 ユーモアたっぷりの日本人女子が主役のショートストーリー集。 ⁠⁠https://88thpp.com/⁠⁠ ⁠⁠英語リスニング攻略ガイド ⁠⁠ ☆ ★ ☆ お小遣いサイト モッピー ☆ ★ ☆ 累計900万人が利用しているポイントサイト! タダでお小遣いが貯められるコンテンツが充実★ 貯めたポイントはAmazonギフトやApple Gift Card、 PayPay、現金等に交換できちゃう♪ 簡単1分 無料会員登録しよう♪ https://pc.moppy.jp/entry/invite.php?invite=SkWEe104 My Social Distancing I’m not good at being with people by nature. I always like to being alone and stay inside my room. Basically, any contact with others is uncomfortable. Not to mention phone calls, public places are dreadful for me unless they are near empty with few people. I hate to have a person standing right behind me at the checkout counter in a supermarket. Whenever I take a train, I search for a car that has the least passengers. My so-called ‘body bubble’ seems excessively large. I often almost utter a scream when a person bumps into or even slightly brushes me. Needless to say, chattering with others is excruciating. My apartment building has a communal spa for the residents and I use it everyday. The residents are inevitably acquainted with each other and small talk between them is rampant in the spa. I’m often caught up in it and desperately try to find closure of the conversation by sweating all over. To avoid an ordeal, I’m usually careful not to share time together with familiar residents as much as possible. When I see them, I practically run away. My partner calls me a robot because of my behavior. The time of recent social distancing shouldn’t bother a person like me. Social distancing has been already my thing for a long time. At least I had believed so. I had thought it wouldn’t hurt a natural ‘social-distancer’ as myself. But I found I was wrong. One of my favorite Japanese comedians from my childhood died the other day. Until just recently, he had appeared on various TV shows and his funny face had been the norm for TV. The daily TV time in a Japanese living room has changed suddenly, completely. He was a nationally popular comedian who earned the monstrous TV rating. When I was a child, my family gathered in front of TV for his show at 8 p.m. every Saturday and laughed so hard together. Kids at school would talk about the show next Monday and laugh again together. When I was in my early teens, I danced his signature gig called ‘Mustache Dance’ so frantically in the dining room that my foot slipped and I fell hitting my face on the dining table. Those memories made me feel as if part of me was lost with him by his death. Episode from My Naked Spa in Japan: Fear, Relationship and A Breakthrough  アマゾンにてテキストブック発売中。 HidemiWoods.com Audiobook 1 : Japanese Dream by Hidemi Woods On Sale at online stores or apps. Audiobook 2 : My Social Distancing and Naked Spa in Japan by Hidemi Woods On Sale at online stores or apps. Apple Books, Audible, Google Play, Nook Audiobooks, 43 available distributors in total.

My Social Distancing: 英語聞き流そう!に寄せられたリスナーの声
