Plan for the Unexpected on Your Wedding Day
Things don't always go as planned and that includes on your wedding day. Although you may not want to hear this, it's better to be prepared for common, minor mishaps.
Darianna® Bridal & Tuxedo has been involved with thousands of weddings over the years. Since they provide the attire for the wedding, they don't usually hear about the splendid day until a day or so after the wedding. On a few occasions, they have been told about some mishaps on the wedding day.
These mishaps, most very small if you are prepared, are the basis for the store's wedding planning blog called Must-Have Items in Your Wedding Day Emergency Kit.
Blog Made Into a Podcast
Listen to the latest episode of The Darianna® Diaries as we discuss the must-have items that you need in your wedding day emergency kit.
You'll be happy you did and feel at ease to be that much more prepared for your wedding day!
Share Your Story
Do you have a story you'd like to share on your wedding day? Something that may help a bride or groom prepare for their wedding day? Text us at 215-491-8500 and we would be happy to feature your story. #deepdivebridal
Wishing You Happy Listening and Joyful Wedding Planning!
Wendy and Franco Salerno
Founders and Owners of Darianna® Bridal & Tuxedo