Smith informs Joe about the church purchasing the Kirtland Temple from the Community of Christ. Joe refers back to this South Park episode and summarizes the beginnings of the BOM for anyone who doesn’t know. Smith mentions this part from the Tim and Eric movie. Joe points out this series of Behind the Bastards podcast episodes. The guys have both heard Teller’s voice. Here’s a link to an unvetted podcast ep with Teller as a guest. The guys discuss Neil Hamburger’s voice and his performance as Toby Determined on Gravity Falls. Smith provides his idea of some of the original text before it was edited.
Joe complains about how expensive everything is in Aspen, Colorado. Smith tells about his weiner dog protecting him against a Siberian Tiger on TV. Joe complains about the one and only segment he watched on the History Channel show, Strange Evidence. His description reminds Smith of a classic segment on T&E.
Presented by Catchall Audio
Music Provided by Eric VanAusdal
The Book of Mormon is publicly available at churchofjesuschrist.org
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