There is no doubt that money is a dominating force in everything. When the money dries up, companies go out of business. We are seeing unprecedented times in a world where a social media influencer with no real skill can become rich. Money drives politics and policy makers. Money is important but when is it too much?
In this episode of the Houndsman XP Podcast Chris and Shorty sort out the complicated and controversial issue of money and its influence on hunting, particularly how it affecting houndsmen. Shorty spent has spent a lifetime in professional rodeo. Chris and Shorty talk about the comparison of rodeo and hound competitions. Topics discussed
- How does rodeo effect ranching
- How does competition coonhunting effect big game hunters
- How has rodeo sustained ranching
- Will competition coonhunting sustain the average hunter
- Is the sudden influx of money going to hurt or help us
- Mountain lion hunting stories
- Much much more
Join us for this in depth and controversial conversation about money; what it is doing to our lifestyle and where it will take us.
Release Date: 05-15-23
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