If you could choose one word to describe the feeling you have at Christmas, what word would you choose? I imagine many would choose a word like joyful or happy. Others may use a word like nostalgic especially if they have seen dramatic change in their lives this year. If you are spending the first Christmas without one you love the word sad might come to mind. How many of you would answer with the word afraid? Christmas doesn’t really come across to us as a time of great fear, does it? But that was not always the case.
Have you ever noticed how many times the words, “do not fear,” are recorded in the account of our Savior’s birth? The angel Gabriel spoke those words to Zechariah who was filled with fear at the sight of an angel in the temple, to Mary who was being asked to take on such a blessed but burdensome role, to Joseph who was afraid of what people would think and say about him and Mary, and to the shepherds who saw the glorious sight of angels as they tended their flocks. The angel brought them a message from God himself that removed that fear from their hearts.
That message is also spoken to us. God came to live among sinners. He came not in judgment but in mercy. He came not to destroy but to save. He came that we might have nothing to fear. That is the message of Christmas. We need fear nothing. Jesus came to remove the fear of death, the devil and the world. He came that we might know true peace with God through the forgiveness of sins. Because Jesus came to Bethlehem, this time of year is filled with joy, peace and happiness. At Christmas we, too, hear the message of the angels that there is nothing to fear for a Savior is born to us who is Christ the Lord.
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Messages from the King is produced by King of Kings Lutheran Church in Maitland, FL.
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Remember your Savior Jesus loves you! May he bless you with his grace!