Self care is more than just a massage. Many overlook the full spectrum of prioritizing and taking care of yourself. It's time to debunk the myth that true self-care is selfish – in reality, prioritizing ourselves is essential for survival, and benefits everyone around us. Dr. Laura Anderson invites Suzanne Soliman to Real World Parenting to explore practical, tangible steps for achieving balance, the normalcy of feeling guilty, and how you can practice setting healthy boundaries.
Suzanne Soliman is a Board Certified Pharmacist, Professor / Author, andMedia Host and Contributor. Suzy founded the Pharmacist Moms Group which is the largest organization of pharmacists in the United States. Suzy has over 100 publications and presents nationally on pharmacy, parenting and women issues.
What You Will Learn:
- Practicing preventative care
- Creating schedules are important
- Self care is survivalist
- Learning to say no and feeling guilty is normal
- The importance of setting boundaries
- It is healthy for our children to see us more balanced