- context v.1 - connected to previous ref to Christ's coming
I. Transfiguration v.2-13
- this is my beloved son, listen to him! x.1
- To I really grasp who Jesus is? Clear vision?
- Am I listening to him?
- tell no one.... major repeated idea
- transitionary time - there was more to come
II. Jesus heals the mute boy v.14-29
- Disciples unable
- faithless - unbelieving
- "If you can! All things are possible for one who believes!"
- v.24 - I believe! help my unbelief!
- mute/deaf spirits
- v.29 - this kind cannot come out but by prayer
- prayer and faith
III. Jesus predicts death and resurrection v.30-32
IV. The Greatest v.33-41
- receive the least - child, Christ, God - Receiving children
- tried to stop him
- don't stop
- mighty work - for us, not against us.
- receive him.
- reward for receiving Christ's disciples for serving them.
V. Causes of sin v.42-50
- woe to those cause little ones to sin.
- cut off causes to sin.
- hell vs. enter life KOG
- where their worm doesn't die x. Is. 66:24
- fire is not quenched
- everything salted with fire
- salt & sacrifices
- Have salt in yourselves - preserved through fire.
- [ ] Keep yourself for God not sin.
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