
  • Matthew Lesson 12: Fifth Beatitude, The Merciful

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    Matthew 5:7 is the text for this sermon entitled, "Fifth Beatitude: The Merciful."

    The Christian principle of mercy brings blessings. Mercy could be called a “boomerang” moral principle since the exercise of mercy tends to elicit mercy from God and others. Notice again the divine passive form of the verb, "They shall receive mercy." We must be open to receive it as God’s gift!

    "Merciful" is an adjective meaning "full of pity, compassionate, acting consistently with the revelation of God's covenant. Matthew's gospel opens with the story of Joseph's mercy toward Mary as he heeds the angel's instruction about the coming Christchild. The story known as the Good Samaritan is filled with mercy. We can learn these five lessons about mercy:
    1. Mercy without accountability and faithfulness is not mercy. In Matthew’s terms, it is "anomia", i.e., lawlessness for selfish reasons.
    2. Jesus' acts of mercy in his ministry guide us in our own application of ministry.
    3. Jesus' acts of mercy are encapsulated in the concept of a “cup of cold water.” What is the “cup of cold water” that we need to offer this coming week?
    4. If we do not extend mercy and forgiveness to others, we will not receive it ourselves!
    5. The most difficult act of mercy is to extend forgiveness to our enemies.
    6. Do I have the attitude of desire for mercy, and not a ritualistic faith that condemns others because they cannot match my own practice of legalism?

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  • Matthew Lesson 38: Fourth Beatitude, Spiritual Hunger and Thirst

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    Matthew 5:6 is the text for this sermon entitled, "Fourth Beatitude: Spiritual Hunger and Thirst."

    What did Jesus mean when He proclaimed a blessing for those who "hunger and thirst after righteous"? In this Beatitude, Jesus provides the insight of how blessed disciples are when they partake of spiritual manna! He represents himself as the living bread that we can eat and never die!

    Spiritual thirst is built by God into every human heart. A thirsting and craving for God is a reversal of what the normal human being thirsts for. We need to note that righteousness is not a state of perfection. Rather it is a journey of walking hand in hand with God in the right direction with His divine approval. Look how the rest of the Sermon on the Mount describes how we are filled:

    1. Spiritual satisfaction and filling is found in Laying up treasures in heaven instead of on earth (Matthew 6:20).
    2. Spiritual satisfaction and filling is found in seeking first the kingdom of God and not being anxious (Matthew 6:33).
    3. Spiritual satisfaction and filling is found in asking, seeking, and knocking (Matthew 7:7).
    4. Spiritual satisfaction and filling is found in living by the Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12).
    5. Spiritual satisfaction and filling is found in building your house on the solid rock of Jesus’ teachings (Matthew 7:24ff).

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  • Matthew Lesson 13: Sixth Beatitude, Pure in Heart

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    Matthew 5:8 is the text for this sermon entitled, "Sixth Beatitude: Pure in Heart."

    This 6th beatitude emphasizes the importance of purity of heart as a core value for Christians, contrasting it with the first century Pharisees' focus on ritual rather than true spiritual presence. The biblical meaning of "heart" in both the Old and New Testaments is the center of one's inner self, mind, and will. A "pure" (katharos) heart is clean, guiltless, and free from sin, both in a literal and spiritual sense.

    The happy reward of a pure heart is seeing God, a blessing that it has both present and future dimensions. This, too, contrasts with the Pharisees' belief that only spiritual leaders could see God, implying that only they controlled the information/blessings of God.

    How do we maintain a pure heart? Curtis explores sound practices such as focusing thoughts on God, avoiding contaminating influences, and maintaining a heart filled with thanksgiving and forgiveness. The pure heart is one that is grace-forgiven and the person who maintains this pure heart will experience God's presence.

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  • Matthew Lesson 10: The Third Beatitude - The Meek

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    Matthew 5:5 is the text for this sermon entitled, "The Third Beatitude: The Meek."

    The Bible provides rich examples of the virtue known as "meekness". Curtis explores several examples in Matthew, in the rest of the New Testament, and then finally in the Old Testament that show the force of a person who controls their strength with compassion and forbearance. He describes 10 beautiful applications of this beatitude in our lives today.

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  • Matthew Lesson 09: Those Who Mourn

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    Matthew 5:4 is the text for this sermon entitled, "The Second Beatitude: Those Who Mourn."

    What does the New Testament mean by the verb "to mourn"? We review the basic meaning of the Greek word and look at a number of verses that provide examples of mourning for the harm to or loss of people, tragic events, poor spiritual health, and sin.
    - Mt. 9:15 wedding guests mourn when the bridegroom is taken away
    - Mt. 24:30 tribulation of spiritual warfare
    - I Cor. 5:2 sexual immorality

    And what does Jesus promise to those who mourn? He offers the promise of God's comfort.
    - Genesis 24:67 Isaac after his mother Sarah's death
    - Psm. 23:4 Comfort of the shepherd and his tools
    - Psm. 77:2 In the day of my trouble
    - Psm. 119:50, 52, 76 God's promises, the rules of old, God's steadfast love
    - Mt. 2:18 The death of the male infants ages 0-2 years
    - Acts 9:31 The church experienced peace
    - 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 sharing in Christ's sufferings and comfort
    - 2 Corinthians 13:11 Christians should comfort one another

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  • Matthew Lesson 08: Intro to Sermon on the Mount and 1st Beatitude

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    Matthew 5:1-3 is the text for this sermon entitled, "Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount & First Beatitude: The Poor in Spirit.

    The purpose of the lesson is to help us embrace the “kingdom mindset” that sees the world differently on behalf of Jesus. A person poor in spirit is one whose humility characterizes the heart of discipleship, who depend completely on God and His mercy. Totally missing is the notion of arrogantly relying on self alone. Jesus' own example of humility--from the King of Heaven to the One who stooped to heal, to comfort, to wash the feet of followers.

    Note that the first and the last beatitude offer blessings tied to the kingdom of heaven, a bracketing that surrounds us in kingdom life. As the old hymn declares, "Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!"

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  • Matthew Lesson 07: Jesus and the Crowds

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    Matthew 4:23-28 is the text for this sermon entitled, "Jesus and the Crowds."

    Jesus' ministry was in a very limited geographical area (Galilee, Decapolis, Judea, Jerusalem, trans-Jordan). His ministry was also teaching in their synagogues. In His ministry, He healed people who came to Him in crowds, towns, roads, etc. This healing was miraculous--immediate and indisputable! He healed the body, mind, soul, and relationships. In the gospel of Matthew more than the other three, the emphasis was on Jesus' interactions (ministry) with large crowds.

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  • Matthew Lesson 6:

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    Matthew 4:18-22 is the text for this sermon entitled, "Jesus Calls Four Fishermen."

    Discipleship begins with answering the call. What does “Come, follow me” mean?
    a. They had to leave the old life.
    i.The called came immediately.
    ii.They left boat, father, family.
    b. English author A. B. Bruce called “The Training of the Twelve” asked the question, “What did Jesus do to train
    the called Apostles?”
    c. Great commission (Mt. 28 19-20) – Go into all the world and make disciples.
    d. It includes teaching as planting seeds. You cannot reap a harvest unless you have planted seeds to grow a crop.

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