In this CG conversation, Daniel Hadas talks to Caitjan Gainty about how the history of medicine and healthcare can illuminate our attempts to analyse and understand the Covid response. Set in the UK but branching out globally, the conversation winds through some of the thorniest of Covid era issues. Vaccines and vaccine mandates, for example, look quite different when set against the problematic and checkered history of global vaccination campaigns. And so do the logics of lockdown and the other non-pharmaceutical interventions, when considered in the context of evolving national security and public health programs over the past 50 years.
In unravelling these issues, further questions arise: what are the right historical moments, events, currents of thought to turn to when trying to contextualise the pandemic? And where does the way in which we choose to contextualise the Covid response intersect with other larger themes: the relationship between science and politics; the scientific and political imaginaries that govern our views of healthcare and medicine; the very nature and role of health in our lives.