In this episode, Mut Nekhbet goes deeper into virtues of Ma'at 7: I Must Be Free From Resentment Under The Experience Of Persecution and 8: I must be free from resentment under the experience of wrongdoing as the source of centeredness in the African Diasporic Kemetic Spiritual system as well as anchor in character building. How can we of the BIPOC populace focus on accountability and healing through our awareness and practice of Ma'at to secure the strength and nucleus of our communities? Listen now. This episode is for those interested in African Spirituality, Ancient Egyptian Metaphysics, self-mastery and indigenous thought.
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Excerpts taken from
Revolutionary Suicide
by Huey P. Newton
African Cosmology of the Bantu-Kongo: Principles of Living
by Kimbwandende K.B. Fu-Kiau, PH.D
Introduction to Ma'at Philosophy: The Ancient Egyptian Path to Righteous Government, Spiritual Social Ethics, Self Mastery and Mystical Spiritual Enlightenment
by Muata Ashby