Let's Talk About Sex and Consent
The very first time I heard Nathalie Mills speak was when I watched SBS Insight in May 2023 (episode 10). Nathalie was one of the guests talking about sex and consent and I was captivated by her energy and attitude towards sex and sexuality. I give my thanks to the producers of the show who put me in touch with Nathalie because I feel I have met a soul sister.
Nathalie is French-Canadian, grew up in Haiti, was schooled by nuns, and received no sex education. Nathalie works as a nurse and runs her own clinic specialising in lymphodema therapy, Complex Decongestive Therapy and personal coaching. Nathalie has also commenced her journey learning the art of yoni repatterning and I cannot wait to learn more about this from Nathalie.
If you want to connect with Nathalie you can reach out via her website and Facebook.
I hope you enjoy this conversation! Please let me know your thoughts as well as liking and sharing this podcast amongst your network.
With lush regards,
Susan The Maven
e. themaven@thespicyboudoir.com