Our Guest for this episode is Dr. Jennifer Winward from Winward Academy.
Jennifer starts with her number one tip for parents and students as they prepare for postsecondary success, which is to embrace mistakes. The best way to learn how to learn is to be open to learning from your mistakes.
Jennifer discusses the benefits of skill formation, including the durable skills that were featured in Episode One of College & Career Readiness Radio.
Don’t miss what she says about the risks associated with college scholarships.
Jennifer provides guidance on exactly how students can learn from a test that they took in school versus just looking at the grade and moving on.
Particular to the math classroom, Dr. Winward recommends that students be given an opportunity to make test corrections and earn their points back for doing so.
The conversation dives into the field of neuroscience and tips and tricks that educators can use to help students with remembering and retaining information. Also, check out Powerful Teaching by Pooja Agarwal and Patrice Bain.
Jennifer describes the power in chunking information so that students can remember it better.
Dr. Winward is an expert in the SAT and ACT examination; she tells listeners about huge technical changes to the test format and content.
Check out Sold a Story in connection with the conversation about vocabulary attainment.
Jennifer calls to action that all educators embrace learning theory and learn more about what we know about how people learn.
Learn more about college and career readiness tools at MaiaLearning.com.
Book a time to discuss college and career readiness with the host, Dr. T.J. Vari.