This episode is dedicated to the life of our sister Tracy, who lived life on her own terms. Join us (Joël and Amy) as we share our story and discuss the lessons and gifts that we continue to receive from our sister. We also offer some advice to those who are grieving or supporting a grieving loved one. Themes/main points include: There are gifts and lessons in grief. The stages of grief are NOT linear. Time isn’t the most important thing, it’s the ONLY thing. There are helpful & unhelpful ideas about grief (e.g., grief has a timeline). We also talk about how to deal with difficult emotions (e.g., guilt) and what to say/what not to say to a grieving loved one. Visit spectrapsychology.com to learn more about our online counselling and coaching services or follow us here: https://www.instagram.com/spectrapsychology https://www.facebook.com/spectrapsychology https://www.tiktok.com/@spectrapsychology