In 2009 Netflix caused a huge stir in the HR and tech worlds with their 125 page slide deck that set out a new way of leading people. Whilst many companies have now adopted their concepts such as ‘freedom with accountability’, the rejection of the idea that businesses are a family, and the so-called Keeper Test, Netflix were the first major corporation to introduce them. In this episode, Kenny Temowo, a senior member of the Leadership Culture & Talent Development team at Netflix, describes the on-going impact of these pioneering principles.
Kenny describes the role of creativity within organizational culture and the importance of an environment that encourages risk-taking and playfulness. We look at how to combine alignment with company-wide approaches with meeting the needs of local teams. And we explore Netflix's distinctive leadership seminars, which foster leadership excellence through engaging stories, poetry, and articles. This approach encourages leaders to navigate real-world challenges without traditional learning objectives, creating an immersive experience that empowers leaders to find solutions collectively.
As an added bonus, we discuss our shared love for British Blue Shorthair cats! Whether you're an HR enthusiast, a leader, or a cat lover, this episode has something for everyone!
(00:03) - Innovative HR Strategies at Netflix
(13:50) - Fostering Creativity in Organizational Culture
(26:55) - Leadership Seminars and Peer Learning
(39:03) - Feline Friends
Kenny Temowo
Disruptive HR
Website: www.disruptivehr.com
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