Kristina Wong is a comedian, writer and performance artist who grew up in San Francisco and is now based in LA. She just completed a month long run at LA's Center Theatre Group with her show, Kristina Wong for Public Office, based on her experience being an elected representative of Koreatown. She also started the Auntie Sewing Squad at the beginning of the pandemic to make masks for health care workers, and now for underserved populations. That experience spawned a documentary in the making and a book deal. If you can, donate or make some masks and spread the protection instead of infection.
Auntie Sewing Squad: www.auntiesewingsquad.com Wong Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/wongflewoverthecuckoo My site: kristinawong.com/ Upcoming events: kristinawong.com/upcoming/ All her social media below: Twitter Facebook Instagram Patronize my work!
Produced and hosted by Angie Suh
twitter: @asian_fail
Music by purpleplanetmusic.com
Do you wanna start your own podcast?
Record via Squadcast.fm
Host with Podbean.com
Tell them Asian Fail with Angie Suh referred you. Elbow taps all around!