
  • Making Little Soldiers for Christ: The Pierre Viret Learning Center

    The Pierre Viret Learning Center is a Christian education institution in Mexico. It is presently facing down a hostile Mexican Government. Justice in His Kingdom co-host Roger Oliver, who has been director of the Center for many years, will tell us the story of the school's confrontation with the humanist Mexican government. Also, Nathan Conkey, who worked with Roger will join us to give us his thoughts and insights. Nathan lives in Northern Ireland but has worked supporting missions and Christian education in Mexico, West Africa, East Africa, and Korea. He recently finished working on a project involving recording the works of R.J. Rushdoony in audiobook format and will begin working on putting Christian education resources online.

    The music for this podcast is Holy is the Lord by Simon Khorolskiy, used with his permission. You can listen to his music here.

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    1 時間 15 分
  • Sermons in Zephaniah, Haggai & Zechariah by R.J. Rushdoony

    This episode covers the newly released, posthumous book by R. J. Rushdoony “Sermons in Zephaniah, Haggai & Zechariah,” published by the Chalcedon Foundation.

    Rousas John Rushdoony (1916-2001) was a minister best known through his extensive literary output. His writings cover a broad spectrum of subjects because his belief was that every area of life and thought should be understood in terms of a world view that assumes God’s Word is both true and authoritative. He is best known for leadership role in Christian education (day and homeschool), his revival of theonomy (Biblical law), and Christian Reconstruction (a term he coined to denote a neglected aspect of the Christian responsibility and response to sin in the culture.)

    A former teacher in Christian schools for almost two decades, Mark Rushdoony has also served for 14 years as the director of a K-8 School. For over 30 years he has been with Chalcedon, a non-profit organization started by his father that promotes the belief of the supremacy of God's Word in all matters of life. When his father, Rousas John Rushdoony passed away, Mark succeeded him in 1998 as president of Chalcedon and Ross House Books, a subsidiary of Chalcedon that publishes books about Christian Reconstruction. He is the editor-in-chief of Faith for All of Life, Chalcedon's monthly magazine, and travels widely as a well-respected pastor and speaker.

    Martin G. Selbrede is the Vice-President of the Chalcedon Foundation and senior researcher for the organization’s ongoing work of Christian scholarship. He has written numerous articles, essays, and position papers for such publications as Faith for All of Life, the Chalcedon Report, and The Journal of Christian Reconstruction. He has traveled extensively to speak on behalf of Christian Reconstruction and the Chalcedon Foundation and is considered one of the foremost experts in the thinking of R. J. Rushdoony. 

    The music for this podcast is Holy is the Lord by Simon Khorolskiy, with his permission. You can listen to his music here.

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    1 時間 20 分
  • Shaky Town: When the Wicked Seize a City

    Charles McIlhenny became the pastor of First Orthodox Presbyterian Church in San Francisco when he and his wife, Donna, moved there in 1973. In 1978, the beginning of the events chronicled in their book, When the Wicked Seize a City, occurred. The McIlhennys lived in San Francisco for 28 more years after beginning proclaiming the Gospel to the civil magistrates and ministering to the homosexual community. They moved to Southern California in 2005, where Pastor McIlhenny serves as a hospital chaplain at local hospitals and as a retired-pastor at Grace OPC.  Donna serves as a non-ordained Chaplain and substance-abuse counselor. The couple co-wrote When the Wicked Seize a City, and Donna wrote her story as part of Choosing the Good Portion: Women of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. You may read more about the McIlhennys in Culture Wars by James Davison Hunter, Power in the Blood by David Chilton, and “Congressional Sub-committee Hearing on Sexual Orientation”, August Hawkins, Chrmn, “Labor Relations”, Oct 10, 1980, and A Stranger’s Gift in Unexpected Places by Tom Hallman, Jr.


    Colin Gunn is an animator, artist, award-winning documentarian, producer, and film director. His previous films include Shaky Town, winner of the Best Political Film at the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival (SAICFF), and The Monstrous Regiment of Women, which also won the Best of Festival award there. He most recently co-directed/wrote and produced the documentaries IndoctriNation: Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America and Captivated: Finding Freedom in a Media Captive Culture, winning first and second place in the documentary section of the SAICFF. He most recently directed, wrote, produced, and directed Wait ‘til its Free

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    1 時間 40 分
  • The Responsibility of Bearing God's Image: The Covid-19 Vaccines & Informed Consent

    "Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device." Acts 17:29

    During this episode of Justice In His Kingdom, we interview John Allison who is a retired attorney who now mentors other attorneys in the practice of law. With the advent of the Covid-19 vaccines and mandates, John embarked on a detailed study of the science, trials, and impact of the vaccines., We discuss the findings in his 53 page document, which can be found at Dr. Robert Malone's substack.

    The music for this podcast is Holy is the Lord by Simon Khorolskiy, with his permission. You can listen to his music here https://simonkhorolskiy.com/

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    1 時間 33 分
  • The Sovereignty of the Lord versus Men Without Chests: Vaccine "Mandates" in the Military

    In this episode of Justice in His Kingdom, Jerri Lynn Ward and Roger Oliver interview Megan Mingonet, Cpt Charles Mingonet, US Navy, retired, and LTC Pete Chambers, US Army, retired. Megan is a student of God’s Law, an Airforce Officer’s wife, homeschooling mother of 9 children and a registered nurse. Her husband, Jonathan, is a Major, 16 years service, 1200 + combat flying hours, decorated combat veteran.

    CPT Mingonet is Megan’s father-in-law. Charles was a Navy fighter pilot. His last assignment was a base commander.

    LTC (Doc) Pete Chambers, is a recently retired Special Forces doctor, a flight surgeon, and a whistle blower. All three are actively involved in the fight to defend the right of members of the military to refuse the COVID vaccine on religious grounds.

    You can learn more about LTC Chambers at his website, https://fullspectrumamerican.com

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    1 時間 41 分
  • Confronting Canadian Caesars

    In this episode of Justice in His Kingdom, Roger Oliver and Jerri Lynn Ward interview Dawid Pawlowski, Polish-Canadian, street preacher, Christian activist and brother of Artur Pawlowski. Artur came to the attention of Christians in the United States when he ordered police trying to shut down public worship out of the building. Before and since then, Artur and Dawid have suffered the persecutions of Canadian Caesars determined that there should be "no god before them."

    You can learn more about the ministries of these brothers in the movie "Street Advocate."

    The music for this podcast is Holy is the Lord by Simon Khorolskiy, with his permission. You can listen to his music here.

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    1 時間 35 分
  • Coronavirus and the Leadership of the Christian Church: A Sacred Trust Broken

     In this episode of Justice in His Kingdom, Roger Oliver and Jerri Lynn Ward interview the three authors of this especially important book analyzing the response of the church during the Covid19 lockdowns. The authors are Ernest Springer, III, BS, Joel E. Yeager, MD, and Daniel O’Roark, D.O., FACC.

    Mr. Springer is the Founder & Trustee of Old Paths Publications, Inc.. Dr. Joel E. Yeager is a Diplomate of the American Board of Family Medicine and the proprietor of Heritage Family Health, PC in Newmanstown, Pennsylvania. Dr. Daniel O'Roark is a cardiologist at Callad CVA Heart Institute in Tennessee.

    These men found each other when the furor over Covid19 started and collaborated on the book that is the title of this podcast.

    The book lays “out for the Christian the response of Church leadership as they attempted, with both compassion and good intent, to command a response by God’s people to its actions and directives. Within the scope of the following chapters we will see how the Scripture, the Confessions, church history, medical science, and governmental influence all affect and demand a prioritized evaluation and Biblical response as to faith and life. In doing so this work will hopefully serve as a primer and guide for the future of the Christian Church as they seek to obey the Sovereign God rather than man.”

    The book can be found at Lulu.com in paperback and as an e-book. It can also be found at Amazon. Dr. Yeager has additional information and resources in this section of his website. Dr. O’Roark has a 15 month compilation of essays, medical resources and editorials presenting evidence against the mainstream Covid narrative here. Mr. Springer's Old Paths Publishing has a Facebook page here.

    The authors have also been interviewed on the podcast Iron Sharpens Iron in a 3 part series: Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.

    The music for this podcast is Holy is the Lord by Simon Khorolskiy, with his permission. You can listen to his music here.

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    1 時間 47 分
  • Advancing God's Justice through Politics.

    In this podcast, we will discuss advancing Justice in the Kingdom in the realm of politics with Dr. Richard Knodel. Dr. Knodel is the the author of the book Lifestyle: A Biblical/Philosophical Study of Christianity and the Culture it Produces.  In that book, Dr. Knodel shows how God Himself established culture in the Creation. Dr. Knodel's book can be found here.

    In this interview, we will be exploring this in the context of the participation of Christians in politics in light of present circumstances.

    The music for this podcast is Holy is the Lord by Simon Khorolskiy who has graciously given us permission to use it. His work can be found and supported here. Holy is the Lord is based on Isaiah 6.

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    1 時間 4 分