• Just1Man

  • 著者: Just 1 Man
  • ポッドキャスト


著者: Just 1 Man
  • サマリー

  • I grew up going to church and heard all the Sunday School stories. In 2020 I was let go from my job and thus began a journey of having a deeper understanding of scripture and deepening my faith in Christ. My goal is to help people understand the Bible as they never have. This requires an open mind and heart to hear things that may not have been what you grew up believing about the Bible. With that said, I am sure I am not correct all the time. As I continue to study and learn the Lord continues to teach me new perspectives. If we go into scripture with a heart of being right and not one of what does God want to show and/or teach me then we become stuck and damage our own witness. Thank you for listening and supporting the show.

    Help support the show at https://www.patreon.com/Just1Man
    Copyright Just 1 Man
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I grew up going to church and heard all the Sunday School stories. In 2020 I was let go from my job and thus began a journey of having a deeper understanding of scripture and deepening my faith in Christ. My goal is to help people understand the Bible as they never have. This requires an open mind and heart to hear things that may not have been what you grew up believing about the Bible. With that said, I am sure I am not correct all the time. As I continue to study and learn the Lord continues to teach me new perspectives. If we go into scripture with a heart of being right and not one of what does God want to show and/or teach me then we become stuck and damage our own witness. Thank you for listening and supporting the show.

Help support the show at https://www.patreon.com/Just1Man
Copyright Just 1 Man
  • John 1.1
    Let's jump back into the Word with the writer we left off with at the end of Revelation, John.
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    33 分
  • Revelation 22
    Our last study of Revelation! We exam what little we know about the New Heavens & Earth. I hope you enjoyed the study.
    続きを読む 一部表示
    36 分
  • Revelation 21
    It is time for the great judgement of all those who opposed God and to receive a glimpse of what is to come.
    続きを読む 一部表示
    31 分

