• Jozef's Journey: Stars Beyond the Science Fair

  • 2025/01/14
  • 再生時間: 16 分
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Jozef's Journey: Stars Beyond the Science Fair

  • サマリー

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Jozef's Journey: Stars Beyond the Science Fair Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-01-14-08-38-20-sk Story Transcript:Sk: V žiarivom svetle slnečných lúčov, ktoré sa predrali cez oblaky, sa rozprestieral príľahlý štvrtkový predmestský školský dvor.En: In the radiant light of the sun's rays breaking through the clouds, the adjacent suburban Thursday schoolyard was spread out.Sk: Zima bola v plnom prúde a ľadový vietor šepkal svoje piesne medzi listnatým stromami.En: Winter was in full swing, and the icy wind whispered its songs among the leafy trees.Sk: V školskom auditóriu sa zhromažďovali hlúčiky študentov.En: In the school auditorium, groups of students were gathering.Sk: Ich projekty boli vystavené na farebných výstavných nástenkách.En: Their projects were displayed on colorful exhibit boards.Sk: Bol to deň školskej vedeckej výstavy – udalosť plná očakávaní a miernej nervozity.En: It was the day of the school science fair—a day full of anticipation and slight nervousness.Sk: Jozef, tichý a zvedavý študent strednej školy, stál pri svojom stole.En: Jozef, a quiet and curious high school student, stood by his table.Sk: Hladkal si rukávy svojho fleecového svetra a hľadel na svoj projekt o exoplanétach.En: He smoothed the sleeves of his fleece sweater and gazed at his project on exoplanets.Sk: Nebol hlasný ako iní.En: He wasn't as loud as the others.Sk: Jeho spolužiaci ako Martina a Tomáš mali pozornosť a zdroje.En: His classmates like Martina and Tomáš had attention and resources.Sk: Martina pracovala na genetike rastlín a Tomáš mal model veterného mlyna s LED osvetlením.En: Martina was working on plant genetics, and Tomáš had a model of a windmill with LED lighting.Sk: Na ich stole ligotali sa drahé a presne zostavené komponenty.En: Expensive and precisely assembled components glittered on their tables.Sk: Jozef však mal len svoje staré knihy a niekoľko prekvapivo použiteľných dielov z bazáru.En: Jozef, however, had only his old books and a few surprisingly useful parts from a bazaar.Sk: Vedel, že jeho projekt nevyzerá tak upravene.En: He knew his project didn't look so polished.Sk: Napriek tomu cítil vnútorný plameň.En: Nevertheless, he felt an inner flame.Sk: Bolo v jeho rozhodnutí, využiť nekonvenčné materiály, nádej.En: There was hope in his decision to use unconventional materials.Sk: Veril totiž, že jeho myšlienky majú hodnotu, aj keď on sám málo odvahy.En: He believed that his ideas had value, even if he himself had little courage.Sk: Sálou sa rozliehali hlasy a šum rozhovorov.En: Voices and murmurs of conversations filled the hall.Sk: Každý hovoril o svojich projektoch s hrdosťou.En: Everyone spoke of their projects with pride.Sk: Keď prišli rad na Jozefa, sudcovia sa zastavili.En: When it was Jozef's turn, the judges stopped.Sk: Na jeho projekt hľadeli so záujmom.En: They looked at his project with interest.Sk: Bolo to jednoduché, ale premyslené.En: It was simple but thoughtful.Sk: Rôzne farebné pásy predstavovali optické filtre, ktoré demonštrovali identifikáciu exoplanét na princípe svetelných odtieňov.En: Various colored strips represented optical filters demonstrating the identification of exoplanets based on light shades.Sk: "Je to veľmi kreatívne," povedal jeden z porotcov a pokýval hlavou.En: "It's very creative," one of the judges said, nodding.Sk: "Nesmierne inovatívne, ale chýba tu istá profesionalita.En: "Extremely innovative, but it lacks a certain professionalism."Sk: "Jozef cítil jemné sklamanie, ale zároveň aj hrdosť.En: Jozef felt mild disappointment but also pride.Sk: Nebolo prvé miesto, ale jeho úsilie nezostalo nepovšimnuté.En: It wasn't first place, but his effort didn't go unnoticed.Sk: Keď nakoniec ohlásili špeciálnu cenu za kreativitu, Jozefovo meno zaznelo s nadšením.En: When they finally announced the special award for creativity, Jozef's name was called with enthusiasm.Sk: Všetci mu zatlieskali, a on prvýkrát pocítil, že jeho nápady majú skutočne hodnotu.En: Everyone applauded him, and for the first time, he felt that his ideas truly had value.Sk: Cestou domov, po bielom chodníku, si Jozef uvedomil, že nielen vyhranie je spôsob, ako dosiahnuť svoje sny.En: On the way home, along the white sidewalk, Jozef realized that winning wasn't the only way to achieve his dreams.Sk: Vytrvalosť a kreativita majú tiež svoju vlastnú silu.En: Perseverance and creativity also have their own power.Sk: Pocit úspechu hrial viac ako klobúk, čo mu ticho kĺzal z hlavy.En: The feeling of success warmed him more than the hat quietly slipping from his head.Sk: V ten večer, pod nebom plným hviezd, si Jozef sľúbil, že bude veriť sám sebe a svojej zvedavosti.En: That evening, under a sky full of stars, Jozef promised himself that he would believe in ...
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Jozef's Journey: Stars Beyond the Science Fair Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-01-14-08-38-20-sk Story Transcript:Sk: V žiarivom svetle slnečných lúčov, ktoré sa predrali cez oblaky, sa rozprestieral príľahlý štvrtkový predmestský školský dvor.En: In the radiant light of the sun's rays breaking through the clouds, the adjacent suburban Thursday schoolyard was spread out.Sk: Zima bola v plnom prúde a ľadový vietor šepkal svoje piesne medzi listnatým stromami.En: Winter was in full swing, and the icy wind whispered its songs among the leafy trees.Sk: V školskom auditóriu sa zhromažďovali hlúčiky študentov.En: In the school auditorium, groups of students were gathering.Sk: Ich projekty boli vystavené na farebných výstavných nástenkách.En: Their projects were displayed on colorful exhibit boards.Sk: Bol to deň školskej vedeckej výstavy – udalosť plná očakávaní a miernej nervozity.En: It was the day of the school science fair—a day full of anticipation and slight nervousness.Sk: Jozef, tichý a zvedavý študent strednej školy, stál pri svojom stole.En: Jozef, a quiet and curious high school student, stood by his table.Sk: Hladkal si rukávy svojho fleecového svetra a hľadel na svoj projekt o exoplanétach.En: He smoothed the sleeves of his fleece sweater and gazed at his project on exoplanets.Sk: Nebol hlasný ako iní.En: He wasn't as loud as the others.Sk: Jeho spolužiaci ako Martina a Tomáš mali pozornosť a zdroje.En: His classmates like Martina and Tomáš had attention and resources.Sk: Martina pracovala na genetike rastlín a Tomáš mal model veterného mlyna s LED osvetlením.En: Martina was working on plant genetics, and Tomáš had a model of a windmill with LED lighting.Sk: Na ich stole ligotali sa drahé a presne zostavené komponenty.En: Expensive and precisely assembled components glittered on their tables.Sk: Jozef však mal len svoje staré knihy a niekoľko prekvapivo použiteľných dielov z bazáru.En: Jozef, however, had only his old books and a few surprisingly useful parts from a bazaar.Sk: Vedel, že jeho projekt nevyzerá tak upravene.En: He knew his project didn't look so polished.Sk: Napriek tomu cítil vnútorný plameň.En: Nevertheless, he felt an inner flame.Sk: Bolo v jeho rozhodnutí, využiť nekonvenčné materiály, nádej.En: There was hope in his decision to use unconventional materials.Sk: Veril totiž, že jeho myšlienky majú hodnotu, aj keď on sám málo odvahy.En: He believed that his ideas had value, even if he himself had little courage.Sk: Sálou sa rozliehali hlasy a šum rozhovorov.En: Voices and murmurs of conversations filled the hall.Sk: Každý hovoril o svojich projektoch s hrdosťou.En: Everyone spoke of their projects with pride.Sk: Keď prišli rad na Jozefa, sudcovia sa zastavili.En: When it was Jozef's turn, the judges stopped.Sk: Na jeho projekt hľadeli so záujmom.En: They looked at his project with interest.Sk: Bolo to jednoduché, ale premyslené.En: It was simple but thoughtful.Sk: Rôzne farebné pásy predstavovali optické filtre, ktoré demonštrovali identifikáciu exoplanét na princípe svetelných odtieňov.En: Various colored strips represented optical filters demonstrating the identification of exoplanets based on light shades.Sk: "Je to veľmi kreatívne," povedal jeden z porotcov a pokýval hlavou.En: "It's very creative," one of the judges said, nodding.Sk: "Nesmierne inovatívne, ale chýba tu istá profesionalita.En: "Extremely innovative, but it lacks a certain professionalism."Sk: "Jozef cítil jemné sklamanie, ale zároveň aj hrdosť.En: Jozef felt mild disappointment but also pride.Sk: Nebolo prvé miesto, ale jeho úsilie nezostalo nepovšimnuté.En: It wasn't first place, but his effort didn't go unnoticed.Sk: Keď nakoniec ohlásili špeciálnu cenu za kreativitu, Jozefovo meno zaznelo s nadšením.En: When they finally announced the special award for creativity, Jozef's name was called with enthusiasm.Sk: Všetci mu zatlieskali, a on prvýkrát pocítil, že jeho nápady majú skutočne hodnotu.En: Everyone applauded him, and for the first time, he felt that his ideas truly had value.Sk: Cestou domov, po bielom chodníku, si Jozef uvedomil, že nielen vyhranie je spôsob, ako dosiahnuť svoje sny.En: On the way home, along the white sidewalk, Jozef realized that winning wasn't the only way to achieve his dreams.Sk: Vytrvalosť a kreativita majú tiež svoju vlastnú silu.En: Perseverance and creativity also have their own power.Sk: Pocit úspechu hrial viac ako klobúk, čo mu ticho kĺzal z hlavy.En: The feeling of success warmed him more than the hat quietly slipping from his head.Sk: V ten večer, pod nebom plným hviezd, si Jozef sľúbil, že bude veriť sám sebe a svojej zvedavosti.En: That evening, under a sky full of stars, Jozef promised himself that he would believe in ...

Jozef's Journey: Stars Beyond the Science Fairに寄せられたリスナーの声
