In our reading of the book of Joshua, Israel has defeated Jericho and Ai, and now 4 kings are gathering their forces to try to defeat the Israelites, keeping them from possessing the land, but God has a plan. Know this: God has a promised land, and a plan, for you as well. Your part is to believe: believe God, believe in the calling, believe in the promise. But we can easily become connected to the wrong vision or people who influence our ways of thinking, living, and behaving, causing us to battle with doubt and unbelief. We need to be wise about who we walk with because God is working to save the world: first by partnering with Israel, and now with us. Are you in?
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Fill the city with Jesus. This is the vision not just for our church, but for our people.
The city is not just a physical location, but a collection of our family members, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances. How can you bring Jesus to your city?
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