John Wentz leads Alpha USA. Alpha is in over 150 countries and in the past thirty years about 35 million people have participated in Alpha groups. Last year over two million people went through their program. Alpha works in a prison cell, a refugee camp, a bar, a school, a neighborhood home, or a church. The secret to their evangelism success is asking questions and caring for people. On today’s episode of The Evangelism Podcast you will hear some amazing testimonies about what God has done through Alpha.
The Alpha program creates a safe, non-judgmental space for people to explore the Christian faith through meals, short talks, and open discussion. Alpha has been effective at reaching people outside the church by genuinely listening to their questions and struggles. Testimonies show how the welcoming community and focus on relationship rather than doctrinal correction can lead to life-transforming encounters with Jesus, even among the most resistant participants. Alpha’s approach of empowering ordinary believers to invite friends and create this kind of environment has enabled its rapid global expansion and lasting impact.
Questions we talk about:
- What is Alpha?
- What are some of the hard questions that people talk about in Alpha groups?
- What are some testimonies of how people are being reached through Alpha and perhaps you could share some statistics about the impact Alpha is having?
- What is your testimony? How did you come to know the Lord? How did you get involved with Alpha?
- Describe the philosophy behind how Alpha functions. How did Nicky Gumbel change Alpha from a course for new believers into a course for people outside the church?
- What is it about our culture today that makes Alpha’s approach so effective?
- If someone wants to start an Alpha group or support your ministry, what would be the best way for them to get connected with you?