Arkansas PBS, UA-Pine Bluff, and APJMM join to celebrate Muhammad Ali's 80th bornday by commemorating his three visits to the State of Arkansas in 1969, 1986, & 1990
1. People Get Up & Drive That Funky Soul by James Brown [INTRO]
2. Float Like a Butterfly by Instant Funk
3. Soul Bowl by The Memphis Horns
4. Face It by Ed Robinson
5. Murphy's Law by Cheri
6. Giving It Up For Love by David Emmanuel
7. I Wonder by Prince
8. Thunderstorm In Surulere by Lady Donli
9. Africans Unite by Lemon Black
10. Shine (Melanin Remix) by Alphabet Rock
11. Theme from the Motion Picture "Cleopatra Jones" by Joe Simon & The Mainstreeters [OUTRO]